BrrrakeF1 - Understanding How Race Data is Used in IMSA & WEC
BrrrakeF1 - Understanding How Race Data is Used in IMSA & WEC



@williamford9564 Says:
8:40: This cracked me up. You can't lie any more about being "flat in the kink".
@EyesOfByes Says:
LTE? I took for granted it was Sub6GHz or mmWave. Mostly for the lower latency
@AmbientMike Says:
Love Blake! such a fantastic asset to bridge that gap between engineering and fans in a really digestible way
@khawajadotd Says:
This is the first one of these that I've seen, and it is EXCELLENT. Well done, folks.
@imsaofficial Says:
Thank you for surfacing all the incredible work @boschmobility does at IMSA!
@justinsmalley4111 Says:
So the BOP makes it so all the cars pretty much run the same speed….so that will make for less passing. Great.
@dap177 Says:
Blake FTW
@moe85moe85 Says:
Very good behind the scenes of what it takes!
@DJDouglasWarden Says:
Another commercial
@Graham185 Says:
Nice to see the faces that jumped the gun and ended the race early 😂
@lukasflorencio9713 Says:
High quality content! Bring more Brrrake
@hoverpilder1905 Says:
BLAKE !!!!
@TheSkunktruck Says:
for the algo
@itswits2719 Says:
For what reason would they do data for all cars except LMP's?
@scottb9868 Says:
I was wondering why we hadnt seen any Braake F1 analisys. Bumbed but happy for him.
@F1ll1nTh3Blanks Says:
YES YES!! I have been waiting for this one for a hot minute now.
@321-Gone Says:
6:41 - The mustang gt3 officially has the tallest pito tube in pito history.

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