F1 2024 Dutch Grand Prix Preview - Is F1 Heading To Africa?
F1 2024 Dutch Grand Prix Preview - Is F1 Heading To Africa?



@shaneclark6993 Says:
Some may not want 24 races but in the USA the more races the better. So 30 races would be awesome and you would in the USA atheist get more people to watch. These drives make millions and make 5hem race and earth at money. That why most likelythere will probably be a 4th race in the USA
@slopat2503 Says:
Bring these two back often please.The chemistry berween these three is awesome! ❤❤
@martinj2843 Says:
Never going to happen in Rwanda as long as the have monkey pox, I believe there is civil unrest in the Congo and machine guns are common place there.
@Fulltilt1973 Says:
the Rwandan thing is just sickening and everything that's wrong with British politics
@darkwa456 Says:
Zoom out abit, jesus
@ivokuijpers2950 Says:
Goverments should be forbidden to supply money to F1, FIA or FOM!!! This is why we have races in countries with poor human rights!!! ONLY MONEY COUNTS Also people don't care where F1 races as long they have a race nearby..... and on the best circuits ... speaking about SPA once in the two years is crazy, this is the most beautifull circuit in the WORLD...... OoooH and Domenicali is destoying F1 for his bosses at Liberty Media, more venues ... more money and more silly ideas.... reversed grid... come on this is F1 not the CLio CUP....
@nahidrahman Says:
10:36 yes likely because most tickets were probably bought months in advance
@rachelkoiks Says:
Every year ticket prices have increased more and more to where it’s now difficult or unattainable to attend.
@jasonmclaren1328 Says:
Top tier episode. Tooooo funny
@SuperPassionflower Says:
Excellent, as ever!! Glad to see Ronald there again! Keep him!!! 👌👏
@alicekoppenol-pitti6257 Says:
F1 will become the Disney of sport if they don't stop tinkering on the formula. Why are the prices for tickets not being discussed.
@jasonsomeo813 Says:
Kenya should be a potential host to be considered. They do host WRC.
@WjC00LEY Says:
Spa needs to be Finite
@LB-vc2dm Says:
Great content
@midas7394 Says:
F1 is regarded as 'best of the best' in motor sport competition. Since Liberty media got involved, global interest has blossomed but, sadly the SHORT SIGHTED decisions that the F1 / FIA management has made are slowly destroying our beloved sports rankings & popularity. 1) Forcing unrealistic budget caps that are designed to penalize teams for maximizing their results over the previous season. 2) Forcing genuine F1 fans to watch the boring, expensive 'sprint race' side shows whose primary function is to compromise the cars optimum race day setup while adding extreme stress to all teams & their cars.
@bjs7442 Says:
Fi dont have an issue with the US DOJ . The reaosn is they have not said no to Andretti. What they have said is what was offered for 2025 was not viable but in 2028 when there arrangemnet with GM bears fruit they would be allowed in. That nullifies the US DOJ. Liberty have no case to answer.
@ParallaxEffect Says:
100% reverse grid doesn't solve the watchability problem. who cares if faster cars & drivers are overtaking slower ones if the cars still look and feel like trucks, and sound like tractors.
@dark1810 Says:
europe the sports heart land should not lose out to these projects if you want to race in Africa take a race away from saudi or some other medieval teir country the fact we are ok with keeping these around while destroying the actual heart of the sport speaks volumes
@someguy9497 Says:
Personally, I'd rather watch a Sprint race than a P3. The point of it being a preview of the race is moot this year as the cars come out of PARC ferme after the sprint so changes can be made before main qualy. I find it remarkable you want LESS racing!
@noobmaster-dm7tu Says:
get Stuart more often
@TyresePeoples Says:
why not split the wind tunnel restrictions? allow teams to run them at full speed for 25% of the total allowance or whatever
@GrizeldaOConnor Says:
Is it because families are hard up?
@fallenshallrise Says:
As others have said, attendance isn't about who wins or doesn't win, it isn't the number of races, if you live in Canada or Mexico or Singapore etc. there is one race in your country and it makes no difference if there are 15 other races or 23 other races, all it comes down to is costs. When costs start adding up suddenly a lot more interesting vacation options open up for the same amount of money. On another topic hard no to dropping Spa off the calendar which alternating races would surely lead to. There needs to be some way for F1 to invest in a sub-set of historic circuits, preserve them and lock them into the calendar instead of threatening to drop them every year as a bargaining ploy. The long season of faux street tracks and desert parking lots is a lot easier to take when every couple of races there is an iconic circuit with a history of 30 or 40 or 50 Grand Prix mixed in.
@rpcorp Says:
Codders’ obscure references turned up to 11! 🥴😵‍💫
@mclarenjohnf1 Says:
The FIA are a big problem, they invited new teams without asking. the prices of Silverstone are a joke it's cheaper to go abroad.
@Sniperkitten971 Says:
Who's gonna make the joke and end up in a british prison ?
@craiglucas234 Says:
It's not the number of races - if it was people wouldn't watch on TV - strange point to make? Speaking from personal experience it's the price - the money that Silverstone are asking is a joke and the tripe that Pringle came out with to try justify it just makes me even less likely to attend again. I went to Budapest instead this year (not my first overseas race) and as long as Silverstone / Pringle maintain their attitude I'll be staying away. I dealt with the dynamic pricing and website failing last year - never again.
@stuartdow Says:
excellent fun conversation ...We are glad to be back in F1 world !!
@mireksem7 Says:
i never look forward to sprint weekends. i like looking at the cars, but... meh...
@pombamz1 Says:
Going to Africa just to flex is crazy
@DabDabGoose Says:
It's the prices, not too many races or fatigue.
@_bstr_ct1832 Says:
You mean, is Rwanda being bankrolled by Qatar?
@andrewhopwood1696 Says:
I won't be as annoyed as long as Rwanda isn't a street track.

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