U cant give him cushion or man up cus he will just beat u everytime🐐🐐
@CamberRockerCamber Says:
I don't mind Darnold force the ball to JJ, but man, he's gotta start looking at Addison too. Both of his ints, it he would just look at Addison, it would've been an easy first down on the first one, and most likely a TD on the second one.
@Ickben-65 Says:
Sam just glazes Jefferson so hard lol and it works every time
@carlton2361 Says:
Best in the game. Probably behind chase
@johnmeehan6444 Says:
Best WR in football.
@thetruth981 Says:
Better QB puts that last pass out a little farther and JJ scores.
@LordBaconOffcial Says:
0:04 0:29 0:40 0:58 1:13 1:38 1:49
@nikkicovington6389 Says:
@IvoryRoach Says:
Idk why we let him get so many 1 on 1’s
@codyhorne77 Says:
man that Colts offense was really rolling w/o AR.....
@romain8390 Says:
Best receiver in football.
@TheStrouds07 Says:
No moon no moon no moon stroud stroud stroud stroud
@LowerTheBoom Says:
why did they put falco in 😡
@McDonalds1 Says:
Posting this before the game is even over is diabolical behavior.
@vikingsfan84 Says:
The colts are so bad that the NFL put this vid out like 10 min early 😭🙏, Broski the game ain’t over yet
@TouchdownTundraYT Says:
The NFL lost so much faith in the colts that the NFL put this video out before the game ended 😭💀