All Texans talk about is Mixion RB1, why don't they talk about how they've run down every RB1 they've ever had!! An how long will it take them to RUN MIXION TO THE GROUND!!!??😮😢🎉😂
@JeffBird86 Says:
The strouds are not pleased
@latonyapate2062 Says:
When I go over with the Texans thanks for nothing lol
@mixtapeguys2 Says:
Its amazing when teams start to figure out these qb's
@JeffO- Says:
Nobody knocked it out. He just dropped it.
@danpp6175 Says:
I like to know how last week passes weren't ruled as complete passes but yet today's game passes that allow for interceptions instead of incomplete passes or how is it that you get the ball run across the plain of the goal a Touchback instead of a touchdown