Reacting to some of the BIGGEST rugby tackles of all Time | Tackle University
Reacting to some of the BIGGEST rugby tackles of all Time | Tackle University



@Mazzeha Says:
Now imagine we could actually see the tackles
@timmycrw91 Says:
Change the rules back to the way Rugby should be. Make a video of old-school Rugby from the past 50-60 years, and show the world how Rugby has become soft and effeminized under the prestense of "safety", and how it was, and still should be, especially before those ridiculous red and yellow soccer cards. PUHLEEEEEZE !!!
@juniordaniel3090 Says:
Brian lima so overrated😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️
@ElectroMagneticJosh Says:
I actually met Alex before the 2011 RWC kicked off. He was in an Auckland pub with some of the other English team and probably won't remember me. Honestly a very fun guy and graciously accommodating by chatting a bit with a complete stranger. The way he comes across in these videos matches exactly the way he was when I met him back then. His gregariousness and enthusiasm regarding the sport are very genuine.. (I am not suggesting you bother him in public though but I wanted to say that).
@rpapibear13 Says:
Samoa v SA 2006/07 is the one game I tell people to google when they ask about rugby
@markchip1 Says:
Speaking as a real-life chiropractor (although I am now retired) when I think back to my rugby playing days at school, my most satisfying moments were always the big crunching tackles, far more than any tries I might have scored! That's why my favourite position was always flanker - where my primary mission was to flatten as many of the opposing team as possible! 😎 So this video is one I think I'll rewatch quite a few times...
@maverick4177 Says:
My top 3 would be Jerry Collins, Trevor Leota, and Sebastian Chabal, but then even Johnny Wilkinson used to smash people he shouldn’t have been able to 😂
@gerryvandyk5551 Says:
Add Jacques Burger, Schalk Burger to the list for sure. Jerome Kaino would dish it out when needed and Lawrence Dallaglio was no shrinking violet. Then there's Sabastien Chabal. Actually this list can get very long indeed. ;^)
@buladude679 Says:

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