'I think he will probably do really well'
'I think he will probably do really well'



@Zakariah1971 Says:
Brady looks like a trespasser in the broadcast booth. Aikman is the model as is Olsen.
@henrywalter9416 Says:
He makes it seem like broadcasting games are like performing spine surgery. It’s not that hard to talk about a sport Brady’s played the last 20+ years..
@jasonvon8115 Says:
John madden who, Tom Brady 2ksports 😅
@raidernation8481 Says:
He was annoying
@chalesgolding5314 Says:
Todd Blackledge is an excellent TV analyst
@brianrembert7689 Says:
What A Loser 😡
@jeremyhavens1469 Says:
Peyton Joe Tom Otto Graham my mnt rushmore
He talked a lot
@airynburr9254 Says:
Loved how the game last week with Dallas he was telling “tight end tight end” at Watson! Haha glad he didn’t hear him tho because I love Dallas but it was a nice edition to the broadcasting experience. (Romo does something similar as well before the play) this was during the action!
@hawk5113 Says:
That’s one handsome commentator ❤
@lesbeaumont3370 Says:
He has to let go of his 🥜's when he's talking
@animal1439 Says:
First day in a new job he’s never done before, of course there will be growing pains, but if he’s half as dedicated to being an announcer as he was as a qb he will be just fine
@homefries5557 Says:
I can’t stand Tom Brady
To me - he’s going to forever known from “Don’t leave me hangin’!” He’s just awkward!
@marcuspolo9106 Says:
He's Tom Brady he's great period even at failure
@G17-911 Says:
He’s just not that great in the Booth….
He’s as exciting as a bologna sandwich!
@gsnyder3328 Says:
Tom Brady was the juice we were missing, he was full of energy and sounded the part. -Missionary Position
@IndymanPhilly Says:
Personally I can't stand Brady. Can we get rid of him and Collinsworth??
@terigiese1322 Says:
He is gonna be fantastic.He is the🐐.And he will 🐐this as well.😊
@abecerra81000 Says:
I wish they would go back to having former athletes as guests and not permanent figures on the talk shows
@Blades307 Says:
Tom is a great football player. Stay in your lane Tom! So cringey..... yikes!
@jetsbabyy8117 Says:
GO JETS !! 💚🤍
@djcammykooma Says:
Knows the game probably better than anyone
I’m so early
@shaokhan2011 Says:
@Scarpid_Productions Says:
Him #12

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