Malachi Corley's concentration is on a different level on locating deflected pass
Malachi Corley's concentration is on a different level on locating deflected pass



@nosekills Says:
There are football players and then there are Football Players
@wellDankGod Says:
That was impressive for a rookie. The Jets picked a gem if he can stay healthy
@jumpman2848 Says:
YAC King!!
@pavlos413 Says:
Lets go J-E-T-S!
@yugenfocus Says:
Not only that he does his patented "idc that you're tackling me I'm gonna get an extra 4 yards" move 😅
@TheHumbleking718 Says:
Give 17 the ball!!!
@szn1580 Says:
He inherited Garrett’s number and started playing like him lmao good stuff
@blakegoold6943 Says:
WR2 by week 8! Mike will injury prone
@dsoave61 Says:
Love to see stuff like this from rookies
@jetsbabyy8117 Says:
Malachi SCORley 💚
@sniffielrl2155 Says:
He’s like that

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