This doesn’t make sense because in the ravens win total it said that they beat us but here it says we beat them
@ohsee7 Says:
the cowboys didn’t beat the lions
@eric00214 Says:
8 or 9 wins. Dallas is going to struggle just to make the playoffs.
They lost 6-7 key starters and never replaced them. Impossible tonot see them regress
@SeanDiddeyCombs Says:
@TinyBoy-9 Says:
They NOT beating the lions
@christianskrla7562 Says:
C U in Cleveland 🟠🟤
@Jeremyb019 Says:
They win 7 games at most
@Jeremyb019 Says:
@benjamindeloney Says:
We need GPG to do the win prediction of each team. He’s much better than the other guy
@ben4life988 Says:
God the glazing lmaoo
@yopiff Says:
Cowboys are NOT beating Cleveland week 1!
@ColeridgeProd. Says:
So there’s no possibility of the cowboys beating the falcons? Ok.