Putting Scottie Scheffler's historic season in context | Golf Today | Golf Channel
Putting Scottie Scheffler's historic season in context | Golf Today | Golf Channel



@mrrational2046 Says:
He’s isn’t playing against 25% of best players in the world
@thegolfingmusician6345 Says:
Paul McGuiness and Brandel Chamblee are a cancer to the game with their over the top divisive small minded comments. Shame on the Golf Channel! That being said,unfortunately we are seeing Scottie playing against a diluted field. No Rham, Bryson, Brooks Cam Smith, Gooch… I wish they were all playing together but oh well. Still gotta love Scottie and what he’s accomplishing. Pretty amazing. Plus he’s an incredible well founded human outside the ropes.
@1ifbyland2ifbysea Says:
Rooting for scottie to do good, the recidivism is high in multiple time major winners lol. Just kidding he will win multiple more i hope, hes a great person.
@tohmsono5081 Says:
blank golf rant continues...
@millecinematics Says:
Liv is not that strong of a field plus Scottie plays well in the majors
@perryseehoe590 Says:
Heres the context, hes not playing a full field. His wins happened in the time period after 1/3 of the talent had left and is barred from playing against him and others. We all know that. Keep up the propoganda guys.
@ohwowthatsgood Says:
what an incredibly pointless conversation.
@dinglbarry1275 Says:
I'm a fan of Dechambeau and was happy for his win, but even if he wins the Open Championship it's still soooooo far removed from what Sheffler has done this season. So far he has 6 wins and 2 seconds all of which had a very high strength of field.... of course majors which he won the Masters has a slightly higher strength of field. I didn't even think it was possible in the modern era for someone to do what Schefflers done and his ball striking stats are insane. If Dechambo is in the discussion after winning two majors this season despite not doing well in his other events, would be factually absurd. It's not even in the ball park compared to what Schefflers done this season... Schefflers season is about 500+% more impressive than Dechambo if he wins the Open which is so far removed from the discussion it isn't even funny.... however Dechambo contended in the Masters as well, so his season is certainly impressive. To finish near the top in every event vs. placing poorly in most events but winning 2 majors. If he's so dominant than why did he do poorly in most events? But don't get me wrong Dechambo has been in contention in all 3 majors, which is still insanely impressive,, but Scheffler is in the realm of near impossibility.

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