I wouldn't tell anyone I won International Fan of the year, but there would be signs ????
I wouldn't tell anyone I won International Fan of the year, but there would be signs ????



@peescoop Says:
Bro my home city is humiliated from this
@Moosey-Reow07 Says:
Bro looks like the cat in a hat on steroids
@TrashYoutubeChannel Says:
At this point the jags should just move to the UK
@Wherewhowhatwhy Says:
@Hunterisgoat_TE Says:
What did the fox say? “Rirnrinrinrinrirnrinrrjnr”
@TexansjstBetter Says:
@Dad0fTheYear Says:
What are the jagewers?
@Thatguymax12 Says:
Jaguweas is crazy😂
@dallasbarnett26 Says:
I thought it was Sam Smith at first
@drvpz2471 Says:
He announced the pick a lot better than most legends do
@joshuasmoot34 Says:
Wtf 😆
@txdddeclan Says:
I thought I hit the pen to hard Had me double taking
@Kc_RULEZ Says:
ik like
@bigdogstatus83 Says:
I can tell you for certain there are NO Jags fans in UK. There are plenty of jags though. The teams that I’ve seen most jerseys of people wearing are Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, and New England Patriots.
@CAS89 Says:
@thegreendank1 Says:
Great, now furrys are gonna think football is cool.
@kaantoa795 Says:
not a real jags fan
@rdel2007 Says:
The draft was unbelievably cringy. Including this..
@Anongamers2 Says:
God, I love Jags fans. No matter where they are from, they still have Florida energy, and that just makes me happy.
@deeboseph Says:
what an honor, to be the Jacksonville Jagœuars one hundred and fifty fird pick
@tylerg2127 Says:
This does not, at all, represent mississippi. Just saying 😂
@bcope8501 Says:
So this is a thing now? I’m old and have lost my sense of whimsy. Orrrr this is jackassery. You make the call.
@HappyTrillmore Says:
Hell nah
@Cheebaroni812-kx5yt Says:
Wait wait do they even have fans in the US ? I’ve never met a Jags fan in my life 😂
@Top10WizardReviews Says:
Looks kinda like a Mighty Boosh character.
@SpoiledMeats Says:
“We’ll let a British guy announce a pick, sure. Hes gotta wear a costume the whole time tho”
@jjww30 Says:
This is all kinds of wrong.
@davisd3928 Says:
I just KNEW this guy wasn’t American 😂😂
@2SHanK5 Says:
Jaguars on Broadway now! 🤣🤣🤣
this is why we shouldn’t be playing football in europe
@nickcerulli932 Says:
“Juckson ville jeguours”
@markahicksii Says:
Im scared...lol
@noahcervantes1590 Says:
Who let fantastic mr fox here 💀
@mattparker3349 Says:
By the way jags fans will fight you. Not a great stadium if you want to be a rowdy away fan
@marqc9829 Says:
He’s the only Jag fan in the UK😂😂He went all out with that makeup tho
@nathansnyder9455 Says:
Idk but I feel like this guy helped Cheifsaholic with those robberies
Jagueaers fans
@DevinHoyt Says:
Hello catman 😂
@touchdown8909 Says:
Not my proudest fap
@CombatLegsVIDS Says:
boi what the hell 💀
@jpspotscars5421 Says:
We do not condone this behaviour 😂
@fatjonseatingadventures5429 Says:
I love this dude. Great fan to represent us, he’s basically Florida man in the UK
@Indigo_LaCrown Says:
I'm going to have nightmares now
@-redack- Says:
@Tyler_1422 Says:
Jagureers 😂
@chade7669 Says:
@brianevans9671 Says:
Only reason he picked them was because he could say Jag yuu are ..like the car
@dasmed1064 Says:
Of all the teams to chose from guy
@zzveggiextoop1781 Says:
😬 No clap
@devyngourdin5204 Says:
Is that lucci

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