I'm going to break down and cry
I'm going to break down and cry



Can’t wait for these men to shine in the big leagues!
@piijay14 Says:
I love you guys! You've been a great opportunity! Don't mess it up!
@mirandap.l.8424 Says:
The stories of these athletes and what it took to get to the professional level is what makes the draft so exciting! That's when we become fans. Love rooting on these guys!
@Immanuel481 Says:
Man this draft gonna be fun
@deanno2841 Says:
I hope all these guys get to the nfl
@tonyr7757 Says:
One of my favorite things is to watch someone's reaction when they achieve their dreams. Maybe one day I'll be able to look in the mirror when I achieve my own.
@Dakingdom27 Says:
Draft day in Detroit
@slurricanesenpai7157 Says:
This was great
@dailynnsp.o.v Says:
if you read this you will be successful keep grinding prayers up blessing up!🙏🏽
@JavonCarterTV Says:
@TheHockeyGuy53 Says:
The draft is one of the most emotional and happiest times of the year.

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