Just wait for it! Kim Minjong ????????

Just wait for it! Kim Minjong ????????


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@СергейМилованов-л4щ Says:
Работа Идеал.
@anorginalname805 Says:
That’s Gina Carano who made woman’s mma popular not Ronda, other than that great video
@chrifkiki4219 Says:
Wazari. Sur 4 ème de jambe
@арт-в1ю Says:
@chrismose3252 Says:
Kosoto Gake to the Nidan Kosoto Gari finish. He tapped the far foot for the ippon.
@murrayndumba3290 Says:
Hard men both tough guys but blue got luck....what's the title of the song
@guerrilla1044 Says:
kosoto gake is one of the most important throws to learn for MMA... can you all have found some Asian rap🤔
@michealgarcia2170 Says:
Is that ok soto gaki?
@nidgeontour257 Says:
Kosoto Gari..,
@abdulpuchaxov3311 Says:
What the AIN? What is this?
@김희찬-t9h Says:

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