????Have you ever seen something like this?! #volleyballworld #save #crazysave

????Have you ever seen something like this?! #volleyballworld #save #crazysave





@KingofFray Says:
Is that a homerun?
@elseradtke5969 Says:
Amazing. The only thing similarily impressiv is the foot save/ set by american libero eric Shoji (im not shure how to write his name)
@Quichie_on_4paws Says:
Reasons to watch volleyball:
@veraluciasantosdasilva1303 Says:
À magia do vôlei 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👍😊
@BeYourselfNoMatterWhat Says:
And yet the last player hit it out 😃😑
@koushalsharma2659 Says:
Bro knows his job
@melissertamin4354 Says:
Love him 😮who is he?
@melissertamin4354 Says:
😮😮mari me? 😍😍🔥
@hamstersmemes135 Says:
Leg went ↘️⬇️↙️↪️⤴️↔️↕️➡️
@makhankalas660 Says:
Vairy nice ❤
@HanYa7 Says:
Which teams are playing?
@raypih87 Says:
Разве это не 4 касания?
@AuKF47 Says:
Nah that was nasty. Making me while smoking bruh
@Bijitgogoi-hd8pm Says:
@remveel2443 Says:
Save? Nah. That's both a save, AND a set
@Idk.anymore_man Says:
The fact that the point is amazing but it was against my country 😅😂
@alihjust5872 Says:
why whrn am doing exactly like this, no one says that it's amazing??
@_A-B_ Says:
What is the song's name??
@kalundag_alextv143 Says:
That's so crazy play😅
@salsaecebolinha5281 Says:
Amazing defense from Jake Hanes an opposite.
@rudraraolji7965 Says:
More like this
@De_An_Re Says:
So nice
@jigsam5610 Says:
Micah 🔥🔥
@thebeast6180 Says:
and a beautiful set

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