<<@starlightmm says : Call her Ester instead of Wardoyo come on..>> <<@weichan3740 says : Tunjung at different level slayy>> <<@hfzj. says : Pengen liat jawa maen. Kok tiongkok semua>> <<@alsy0055 says : 3 different yeungs? i was so confused>> <<@foshelan says : 香港加油啊>> <<@perantaupantau says : Putri KW sekarang main di Hongkong ya? Ganti jadi Liang KW.>> <<@rilmanhidayat7357 says : Ihhiyyy mantap kali kau Komang 😂, siapa yg teriak gini woy🤣🤣🤣>> <<@machinenamon says : Just watched 2 HK videos and they didn't win a single match in either of them... come on guys!>>