<<@stevenmcnabb9185 says : I knew the Pickle Juice Game's onside kick was going to be on the list. As for the worst onside kick, the Cowboys would get revenge 3 years later by returning the game-opening onside kick for a touchdown. The Eagles would lose the game by 2 points.>> <<@Sanslab-wu8tv says : As a Saints fan, that onside kick in the Super Bowl was very scary since it could have given the Colts great field position. That kick with the Tracey Porter interception (later) won the game, though. Who dat say dey gonna get that kick?>> <<@KCKingdomCreateGreatTrekAgain says : We, Chiefs, had one of those last season. It was the first half kickoff and we weren’t expecting a onsides kick to start the game.>> <<@ItSaBeastNerd says : Sean Peyton fuming rn. No more 2nd half surprises.>> <<@brodyfowler5397 says : Michel Jackson??? Lol>> <<@illyafrederick7019 says : m nommo c>> <<@chad0ch0 says : RIP to the onside kick 😭>> <<@maxhansen5575 says : First>>