<<@johncarroll792 says : RED SOX!!!! LFG>> <<@HandsomeBlackMan619 says : Mr. Corbin, we would love to have you in San Francisco 😊>> <<@ChristopherColon-s3o says : Future Met>> <<@LostBeagle says : What's the point?? Trying to show what the Oriole hitters will be facing next year?? He's not coming back>> <<@27Club-r4l says : オリオールズで優勝するのが見たいのでどこも行かないで下さいお願いします🙇>> <<@brandonladd149 says : Please come back sir.>> <<@markf.9281 says : Thought it was that BatBros YouTube guy>> <<@しゅたーん says : オリオールズ残留!!!!>> <<@Kalbo001 says : Mets need to sign him Asap>> <<@gotexasrangersalbundymlb7694 says : Corbin Burnes future Texas Rangers>>