<<@Foorless26 says : Flopetegui out!!!>> <<@Imalexbayley says : Ingsy taking the piss out of the manager 🤣>> <<@purplecrayon7281 says : In which issue of Shoot would the team photo appear in? Asking for my granddad.>> <<@ralphenjoyingthesun4233 says : Jlo needs to go We dont need a Spanish Moyes and we certainly dont want another Moyes that cheap skate Sullivan wants>> <<@jimmyd8504 says : Lost team atm hopefully things can change. Coyi>> <<@Sp1NNN023 says : Lmao Fullkrug is really photoshopped>> <<@EasterLunana says : I turned this video on at work and now my coworkers are laughing too. It's a great way to spend a lunch break😻>> <<@SidNeilil says : This video is better than any cure for sadness. Now I always have a dose of laughter on hand😛>>