<<@herculesmwp7983 says : 🤣. You all lying so bad>> <<@MathurXD says : bro its or never see judo its not for not seeing judo 🥋>> <<@NareshKumar-qx3zi says : True 👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪🥋🥋🥋🥋🥋🥋🥋🥋🥋>> <<@mbkhan1000 says : Yeh boi!>> <<@Lakyyxz-i2v says : i love judo>> <<@harshitaPatel-by1gr says : Yes 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,💯💯💯>> <<@JudoNJ says : True>> <<@Ordinarypeople-m9c says : A million dollars 😂>> <<@ruslannuraliyev11 says : 👍👍👍>> <<@beheshti9000 says : Give me 100 and i would consider it and still say no !>> <<@judoka4611 says : Facts 💯💯🥋>> <<@lb261benza-fu9wt says : 👍👍👍>>