<<@gastrops287 says : The return game is very underrated in tennis>> <<@edisonsubandi7231 says : Karlovic shocked too>> <<@minniegirl175 says : Not easy off a Karlovic serve. Rafa, my love ❤>> <<@lgri7587 says : Simply Nadal>> <<@vladbatle says : The beast Rafa😀🇪🇦>> <<@suryansukumardash3732 says : Great content 👍🏻>> <<@ishaqahmed6265 says : You should see novak vs isner those returns are nuts>> <<@yiftachcohen470 says : Ombelibable>> <<@milospan94 says : Chance for a return winner, served on a plate by Karlović😅>> <<@yusufluhar5881 says : From 3 Karlovic first serves yeah thats unreal.>> <<@allfootball7089 says : W>>