<<@tennisarea-f9k says : 平日の昼間から錦織とルーネの練習なんか見れてるの勝ち組だなー.>> <<@bcuser2 says : Nishi here in mood "I don't want to run">> <<@JimEdmiston says : Two losers>> <<@omarshenneb4337 says : I love kN persenality i feel he is a grear person not just a great player>> <<@TranucTV says : Cilic vs Nishikori Round 1 who wins ?>> <<@sumdude96 says : Nishikori got raw dogged here by Rune>> <<@adriandavies8204 says : Rune has flopped the past 18 months from being a top 5 player he will be lucky to stay in top 20 the way his game is now Sad that much talent to now barely able to make 2nd rounds>> <<@RawDogTV says : This is the best angle to watch tennis>> <<@RawDogTV says : Best Asian tennis player of all time>>