<<@chadstone_engineering says : get some integrity>> <<@speed6725 says : If the FIA doesn’t like the swearing, then the radios shouldn’t be mic’d.>> <<@NiahlM5991 says : K Mag did his time, saying leave points on licence is nosense.>> <<@colindowd9756 says : To me, that photo of Liam Lawson looks like a certain posthumous World Champion that Helmut Marko knew really well ❤ Maybe this pushing his backing of Liam along>> <<@mastak696 says : lol. they conveniently avoided the most hot topic of lewis calling out ben sulayem for his racist undertones. interesting, wonder why?>> <<@MatthewsSoloChannel-f3u says : I cannot be arsed with all this talk about Ricciardo has been hard done by and he's needed in the sport. No he's not, he hasn't delivered in years, and also hes a grown man, he will be fine, he's eanred a potful of money during his time in F1. He will be fine, get shut and plonk Lawson in the seat. Its a no brainer>> <<@masilomoshesh1475 says : Why doesn’t he push for the termination of Heineken as a sponsor for F1 while he’s at it.>> <<@cameronelliott9709 says : Fuck me, that's fucking ridiculous.>> <<@winnietito says : You can express emotions quite easily without swearing if you have any kind of education. Will be a pleasure not having to hear it.>> <<@burrito-town says : If F1 is going to be concerned about drivers swearing, they should also be concerned about whether the drivers are going to bed on time and brushing their teeth after every meal. Don’t want those young viewers getting naughty ideas about staying up late and developing bad hygiene! /s>> <<@mini696 says : Yawn.>> <<@servethesongs says : STFU virtue signaling hypocrites>> <<@randomcamerajunk6977 says : I preferred F1 when we knew virtually nothing about the drivers and teams. Now it’s just K-pop with fast cars. Embarrassing.>> <<@servethesongs says : Of course Lewis brought up his constant racist pov>> <<@mav3rick__ says : How is daniel out but ocon still here.. unfair…>> <<@PinkAsAPistol says : It's such an American sensibility, this one. When it comes to hate speech they're all about free speech absolutism, but then they act as if someone's a criminal for saying the word fuck. Not to mention the extreme conservatism and the brutal regimes that the president of FIA seems to want to cater to all the time. Here's a guy who's annoyed by drivers making any sociopolitical statements or displaying LGBTQI solidarity but that doesn't deprive him of the gall to want to set the standards of decency for all of us, since dirty words offend him to the point of making racist dogwhistling about it. Well fuck that shit.>> <<@PolishEddie92 says : Yea... dumpster fire 😂 I'm a big fan of Danny, but idk...>> <<@samuelgarrod8327 says : Ffs, I don't ******* understand these ******* moaning about people saying ******* and ******* and ******** ***** *** ******* *****. Am I wrong?>> <<@DannyB_2099 says : Swearing shows a lack of self control. Young people have grown up with too little rules and watching garbage. Discipline is human. What are we without rules.>> <<@vinniejudilla3921 says : I fucking love the first fucking amendment>> <<@matsie3134 says : For fuck sake man... Stop whining!>> <<@franciscogomes9844 says : "Sound like rappers" might as well go ahead and say the n word 😂>> <<@erykszymanski9167 says : What kind of stupid shit is this?>> <<@andrewstorm8240 says : Of course we all have fire for F1 but can he light a match>> <<@wilburwhateley4626 says : Race Host Nations: Engage in severe human rights violations FIA: These things happen! Drivers: Cursing on the radio FIA: Clutches pearls aggressively>> <<@wartbiter says : At last there may be an actual use for AI - beep the naughty words without too much broadcast delay.>> <<@nestr2007 says : That’s fucking stupid to be honest>> <<@AllGuitarSucks says : Maybe provide a swear converter ? Like if you want to say dxxk head you can say w@nker. Oops that's british converter😅>> <<@gazwj says : Lets not forget the radio is primarily there to communicate between driver and team not for entertainment so to expect drivers in that situation is fucking ridiculous>> <<@ernieh4342 says : Wow these guys suck>> <<@kieferclarkf1674 says : I believe all team radio messages should not be aired to the world. It’s not our business, what is said should stay between the team and the driver.>> <<@CyniqueLynx says : love the casual racism in "sound like rappers" in that statement btw also love that i remember distinctly in middle/elementary i heard more swearing in school downtime than I hear even on media now like lol>> <<@nicholasgiles500 says : Been saying this for years. Drivers should not be allowed or aired for swearing. It's bad behaviour. Teaching kids yiu can swear when you're upset, it's a joke. They go into a workplace and swear and they get fired...>> <<@teknikairaoulolgandessabek4102 says : You can express your frustrations without swearing.>> <<@teknikairaoulolgandessabek4102 says : Bad language is bad language. This is not a rap recording session. Good job FIA.>> <<@jahvheadgawn says : WTF are these FUCKERS bitching about the driver swearing. It’s so fucking stupid to think these kids don’t swear. For fuck sakes.>> <<@matthartley7333 says : Well fuck>> <<@tuomasholo says : If I’m not mistaken there is only one seat still available for 2025 and that’s with Audi.>> <<@VR46314 says : Just no pace>> <<@NicolasMignan says : Dont think midseason swap with Lawson is gonna happen Daniel hasnt been disastrously bad this year>> <<@AzureViking says : Jesus fucking christ... we honestly crying over swear words? There couldnt be a bigger non issue in sports.>> <<@dark1810 says : i dont know how we still live in a world were people genuinely think kids never hear swearing and would be deeply damaged by it.>> <<@titancheat says : Rb did promise Lawson a seat no? I know it means nothing without a contract though.>>