<<@sigmamanintuitive says : The only thing thats wrong is the rule change regarding asymmetrical breaking. If it was a simple balance issue they would simply revert back to the original car at the start of the season and problem solved. But nooooooo because its the same car without the advantage they had over the rest of the field with asymmetrical breaking. In the same way they changed the rules against mercedes when they were dominant and the advantage switched to the more racked red bull setup and the u racked cars like force india ,Mercedes and others suffered and mthe playing field was closer>> <<@darkwa456 says : They are actually faster than last year it just seems other teams have moved ahead, these regulations are so strange teams cant seem to get there head around them one so called upgrade can ruin you for 5 to 6 races>> <<@MrSimonyong says : Red Bull collapses after they were caught cheating with a "Breaking gadget" they were using. Since the removal of the "illegal Braking gadget" Max suddenly finds the Red Bull's car very difficult to drive, thus he struggles fighting the corners which he so easily beats other drivers. Isn't it so very strange, no media and journalists are bringing up this mega cheating issue.. its goes to show how corrupt FIA and Liberty media are..!!!>> <<@willmac5642 says : They will soon I'm sure. Mclaren are being very silly not capitalising on it. Lando has probably now lost his shot at a wdc amd he knows it.>> <<@SuperPassionflower says : I'm still puzzled by the remark Horner made somewhere end of 2023, close to the Christmas holidays season, "forget about 2024, we need to focus on 2025 and after". Something like that, and his intent was to discuss this with Pérez, after the festive days.. I wonder if it also has had any relation to him already realising that the RB20 would be nothing like RB19.. somehow I can't dismiss that line..>> <<@frictionstreaker says : There is a difference between pushing the rules and blatantly cheating>> <<@frictionstreaker says : I would like to see someone talk about differential braking, but they won’t because if Redball have been effectively cheating for the last 3 years imagine the back lash within the sport. I imagine there are a few teams putting pressure on the FIA but will be reminded of the times when they were found out to be cheating..its just a cover up probably with a big fine. But the FiA can’t prove how long the differential braking has been used on the car.>> <<@f.kieranfinney457 says : I don’t understand why they can’t turn their engine up either. 5 engines already gone. Likely two more will be needed. Something weird going on. Does NOT bode well for 2026.>> <<@raceboy1971 says : The RB 20 was designed around the brake steer system. It's no mystery. Funny how Checo is all of a sudden right back with Max and that RB was willing to destroy Checo's reputation and mental health. RB is a bunch of scumbags and will now pay the price.>> <<@kjmok says : It's more of a "how" question rather than a "why", innit? Spoiler title for next video: "Why Lando Norris and McLaren needs to win all the remaining races to win both F1 titles in 2024" 😂😂>> <<@zolimajster8313 says : You guys look like you know it was one trick pony. Seems Max isn't so superior to other drivers and Adrian isn't an engineering wizard. Now RBs are where others teams were last year having their butts kicked. Long way to go.>> <<@Duschbag says : I saw the title of another video only yesterday that read: "Max discovers cause of HUGE problem in RB20, now it can be fixed. I laughed out loud at just how LUDICROUS THAT IS... MAX has been driving the damn car all season and all of a sudden HE'S the one who figures out what the problem is..? WHAT A CROCK OF SHITE..!>> <<@Duschbag says : This is what happens quickly when key personnel leave the team. When Neweys future departure was announced, everyone said that it wouldn't make a difference until the 2026 changes take place. Well... then why are we seeing problems so soon..? I'll say it now: Things will get WORSE before it gets any better... Remember: "The Bigger they are, the Harder they fall" 😢>> <<@InterestedAmerican says : What it looks like from where I'm sitting is, Red Bull knew this car design had problems. Working in the grey earea of the rules, they tried some form of adaptive braking to help with car balance and control. This isn't stated as something you can do in the rules, but more importantly, until recently, there was nothing that said you couldn't. Apparently, Reb Bull's grey area solution was about to become public, so the team approached the FIA on the legality of it, and the FIA said no. After they took their solution off the car, that put them back to square one in the handling department. This happening at a time when other teams have been developing successful upgrades for their cars and finding more speed to challenge Red Bull.>> <<@doxydoxdelamanca9902 says : Max and Jos not mincing their words. That's just the way the Dutch speak/are; period.>> <<@CammieRacing says : Maybe Autosport could supply Filip with some studio lighting and a new camera? Would really help with presentation.>> <<@southerncomfort1339 says : WHY WHY WHY are ALL of you YOUTUBER pundits talking about the RB20!!! It's NOT the CAR! It's ALL MADMAX!! He's the G.O.A..T!! He could put a HAAS/RB on pole!!! So no matter if the RB20 has problems Madmax "little feet" drives the car!!>> <<@evanubi5 says : Finally the fraudulent Redbull and max boy been find out NO MORE CHEATING 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@hwilmore says : I think it is unfair to compare what Brawn did with the double diffuser with what Red Bull did with the brake steer cheat valve. Brake steering has been outlawed in F1 since 1998. As a team, Red Bull decided to circumvent that specific rule to gain an advantage and pumped Max as the most fantastic driver since Speed Racer. It doesn't make sense within a team for one car to win and the other to not make it out of Q1 if they are driving the same spec car.>> <<@hwilmore says : Add the brake steering CHEAT valve back in, and wallah, there are no more balance problems. Max won races at the beginning of the season; there were no complaints about any of this, and I refuse to believe the other teams could catch them within the budget cap. Either Red Bull was cheating, and the part was removed, or the other top teams have cheated the budget cap.>> <<@AlpakaWhacker says : As a watcher of both Autosport and The Race, it's interesting the difference in reporting between the two organisations and I'm not sure whose reporting is more accurate. 2:50 Autosport report Red Bull as having a "Monza special wing package". The Race reporting that Red Bull didn't have a Monza specific wing package but instead just modified an existing wing by trimming it down. 10:18 Autosport reporting that it can't be down to Adrian because the car issues were there back in May whereas The Race going with story that it could be down to a lack of Adrian involvement as, according to them, Adrian also wasn't entirely happy with the car and the direction it was going at the start of the year.>> <<@expertreviews1112 says : What sort of analysts are these? Any word or discussion on why Max was able to put a 1.19.6 on scrubbed tyres in Q2 vs a 1.20 on two brand new sets in Q3? Just saying not balanced, not quick blah blah is what we already know...>> <<@williamford9564 says : 10:18: Jake. I think a lot of is Newey. I saw somewhere where he was apparently overridden in the last off season on some of the changes in the car for 2024. And of course he has been there the last two months to participate in trying to fix the car. In addition they lost Technical Director Rob Marshall in 2023 to MCLAREN! The people there right now don't seem to be capable of fixing things and what does this say about the team's ability to construct a 2025 car to compete with McLaren and maybe some of the others.>> <<@Newjedi-g5l says : Granted that McLaren, Ferrari, and Mercedes have improved their cars over the season, But Red Bull basically BROKE the RB20 several weeks ago managing to increase drag and reduce downforce at the same time with some new aero design!!!!!>> <<@Baz-er6it says : Completely ignoring Adrian Newey's role and expertise as a race engineer. Just sh!t talking Newey's impact shows that you're empty vessels.>> <<@Bizmyurt says : American wrestling>> <<@guybeingaguy says : If they just give Liberty Media their quarterly payment their car would go faster. That’s how the F1 system works man!>> <<@RevolverRho says : Honestly if Max loses the WDC it won’t be his fault, there’s nothing a driver can do if their car isn’t up to the standards of their competitors. If Redbull loses the WCC it will be their own fault for keeping Checo and not developing other drivers capable of meeting the requirements they need to win races and stay in place to keep up. At the end of the day Checo was given the fastest car last year and still didn’t have the race craft necessary to keep up with Max or even the Ferraris and win reliably and consistently. For once I can’t fault the driver and this is absolutely a mess Redbull got themselves in and have put Max in.>> <<@Spp8301 says : I hated your website the moment you made it paid.. i don't know how long you are gonna keep this channel free.. sick..>>