<<@jesuswouldkilhimself says : Looked lijke me without all the skill and turning and sht>> <<@wesamal6302 says : He was testing if all the hype was real. Apparently it wasn't. laws of physics apply for all>> <<@wraitheful says : I’m excited for Kimi. Also - Go Renault Power Units!!!>> <<@Elithegreat.357 says : 99 bottles of beer on the wall....>> <<@kazabubu10 says : Apparently Kimi's bodyweight is comprised mainly of "Extremely Big Balls" tissue...good thing as it keeps the center of mass of the car really really low....I'd love him to repeat Hamilton's rookie season next year....extremely dificult but if he is as good as they say should be possible...>> <<@geoffnelson4777 says : Colapinto was under similar pressure - he wants the Williams seat in '25. He didn't stuff it.>> <<@DanH-u3f says : Rookie mistake. He needs more sim time.>> <<@macchin9421 says : opposite to bearman>> <<@razi_haron says : Mick: and they didn't want me in the car ...>> <<@sgsuper1150 says : Keeping F1 tyres good is the most important thing drivers have to do. Way too mush speed that kills tyres after one lap is not good driving>> <<@alexisunited says : He run out of Talent.... easy>> <<@Hydrnaught says : Now everyone has a new thing to give themselves a chubby about.>> <<@johnbeer4963 says : Spini Antonelli>> <<@willyhwang1059 says : logan was too fast for his own good.>> <<@kimkristensen2816 says : Kimi is a future world champion>> <<@longfade says : ‘Too fast for his own good’ really just means he couldn’t handle it.>> <<@benjaminblakemore9704 says : Haha 52 embarrassed G...😂😮>> <<@johnmcdonough887 says : Who’s buyin this>> <<@charlybianchi says : F1 destroys any ego, and be honest he is not the new verstappen and dont have any record related to prove me im wrong.>> <<@southerncomfort1339 says : Come on Kimmi "Slow your Roll" get use to cars n track FIRST!!>> <<@Melbourne-s4x says : One job, take it easy, increase your confidence gradually..... Kimi knew better apparently.>> <<@AllGuitarSucks says : Funny how different the media defends Kimi compared to other drivers. For example the unfamous Mazepin crashed in the first conner and no media was defending him how fast he was in that first conner 🤣>> <<@ctibpo991 says : He entered parabolica way too quickly on a green track and lost it on his 2nd downshift very early in the corner. What the heck was the practice plan for him?>> <<@SuperFanBrad says : Was Sargeant "too fast for his own good"? Young/Inexperienced drivers crash at their limits ...>> <<@josephchona1825 says : Great insights guys. Pity video was rather hurriedly concluded. You guys need to find a way to add maybe another 5min in such situations>> <<@MrAlex- says : Yeah, but he still crashed>> <<@carl5959 says : "Too fast for his own good" 😂 That's one way to look at it. Maybe that was Logan's issue!>> <<@robertgold6108 says : Mercedes and Kimi madeca huge blunder this crash should have never happen. As a rooky you get it on with caution.>> <<@jasonhaynes9429 says : Anyone can drive at the limit and bin it. It’s called driving over the limit and it’s not impressive. Also that’s not your car, bruh. He may be great in time but that was not impressive.>> <<@robsterling9903 says : Hot Shoe - drove the wheels off of the car - Literally>> <<@HoneyBadgerFarm says : Media talking points....Kimi was on the limit and using all the car and he "kinda" crashed....Logan sucks as a driver because he has actual crashes and not "kinda" crashes....>> <<@fahedsayed2201 says : I noticed kimi was using every millimeter of the width of the track. He reminded me of mika hakkinen in 1998 monza as he was pushing hard trying to catch schumi but eventually crashed.>> <<@kieferclarkf1674 says : Even though he went fastest on his first lap, the lap didn’t seem that clean and smooth from my perspective. Being low on fuel, on the softs and most of the other drivers in those opening ten minutes were on the mediums and not pushing to the max like Kimi was. And then we saw what happened on his second lap. I didn’t think he was ready for F1 before this. If I were Toto, I’d offer Bottas a 1+1 year deal and see if he takes it or try and steal Lawson from Red Bull. I’d leave Antonelli in F2 for another year and keep having him test 2 year old F1 cars.>> <<@Duschbag says : I seem to remember another young and upcoming driver making a few initial mistakes at Monaco... 🤔>> << says : Kimi is going to be a star next season. Look how many veteran F1 drivers have crashed, and they are not even fast. Kimi was on his way to topping the time sheets.>> <<@MeRacko says : I don't think he was under pressure cuz it was monza>> <<@MeRacko says : Just hate here i see dude was on pace as soon as he was in the car yeah he crashed but Max crashed all the time at that age most of other drivers weren't even in f1 till they were 20 or 22>> <<@Pedro285 says : Merc: Go and find your limit Kimi: Found it>> <<@alicekoppenol-pitti6257 says : " Anything the safety car does I can do better " Kimi Antonelli.>> <<@CammieRacing says : Sounded like he just changed down gear mid corner which can spin you out even in the simulators.>> <<@ih8temoney says : Lol, well he crashed...so yeah too fast.>> <<@1st-Le-On says : Is he ready for f1 or do merc want him to be ready for f1.....>> <<@isnogood- says : The hype, him trying to show he is the real deal. Hope he can brush it off. First lap was good>>