<<@dzl7822 says : Aaron Rodgers is smart af>> <<@aj_who says : >uses ChatGPT to write this>> <<@rice_frying_shrimp says : Kyle book club could be a regular thing. Maybe then he can actually remember what the books are called too!>> <<@ellybelle199 says : The diorama was a fabulous contribution ❤🎉>> <<@Ohmug3nW3apon13 says : You gotta say unauthorized book.>> <<@kevinhagberg1648 says : Waiting for yet an other year of disappointment from the most overhyped QB in history. Make it back to a SB or shut up and retire, loser. KAaron Rodgers is an overrated drama queen .>> <<@DaFactsNoNonsense1713 says : AR is a piece of s***! He doesn't have any respect for his PARENTS, being ungrateful for ALL the things they did for him when he was a kid.......but now, he has the NERVE to mention his grandfather, his PARENTS PARENT??? He doesn't have respect for his parents, so he wouldn't have respect for his grandpa either, like he doesn't today! This guy's so dumb, he can't even see something that simple, within himself>> <<@stevenjans7011 says : Out of the darkness. Come om man!>> <<@LyndMavis says : Anderson Nancy Miller Kimberly Lee Scott>> <<@davidhalljr5268 says : THAT'S MY QB GO JETS 💚>> <<@nealfeatheringill2091 says : Why kyle so extra>> <<@HankAaronJoseph19 says : Darknesses Darknesses>> <<@rfgraham85 says : It's OUT of the darkness not INTO darkness. You misquoted it multiple times 🤦‍♂️>> <<@LiamDeege says : Jets will make it to the 2nd round at best>> <<@rebeccamunoz5725 says : Aaron Rodgers is the Leah Montes Book.>> <<@jetsbabyy8117 says : Aaron Rodgers is the most prolific passer of all time. Top 3-5 QB of all time.>>