<<@DianaCameliaBar says : Poți să îmi construiești 2 camere și o baie anexă la casă în ianuarie voi ști cu finanțare>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Carlos vreau sa ne întâlnim...vecini spun că te ai căsătorit...>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Nu te mai iubesc. Mă gândesc la tine dar știu că nu voi fi cu cineva vreodată nu mă lăsa părinții mei să am prieten sau soț au spus că dacă ei vor muri ce voi avea?!?>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Uite carlos sunt îndrăgostită de tine... suntem din acelaș sat saucani...dc ai dus o la tine pe cesi cei cu ces au probleme de sănătate mentală are încadrarea ces handicap grav . Nu te înțeleg>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : A venit frigul. Nu uita să îți cumperi fâșuri bocanci îmblăniți și căciulă ...vine iarna>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Am casă și în Dusesti nu știu dc părinții mei nu mă lăsa să stau acolo>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Ce casă am cumpărat în sat...? Acum locuiesc la părinți>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Ce casă am cumpărat în sat...? Acum locuiesc la părinți>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Trebuie sa mă logodesc cu tine>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Unde stai?!? Vreau sa te vizitez... vreau cameră la tine>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Îți place mașina gri?>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Te am văzut la parcarea Penny.. mai văzut? Ești frumos>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Dc nu mă suni eu mă gândesc la tine carlos>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Ai aragaz oale. ?>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Mi ar placea sa îți pregătesc prânzul sau cina... știu face mâncare...>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Am ochelari negri❤... trebuie sa mă iubești...>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : La răscruce de drumuri>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Stau la intersecția de drum>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Luna asta>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Luna viitoare după data de 12>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Vreau sa vii la mine in saucani>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Nu te plac pe tine. Îmi place alt Carlos>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Cine mi a plăcut în Tileagd să vină și u>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Nu mai sunat nu mai căutat>> <<@ericlopez9107 says : Something must have been REALLY off in his Monfils match, the way he murdered his racquet!!! 😡😠🎾>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Este casa in Tilecuș cu etaj cu fotolii albastre... puiuț poți cumpăra casa?!? Vreau sa te vizitez>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Eu stau la altă casă>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Mai bine ai cumpăra casa lui Sebi din saucani comuna Răbăgani acolo stau eu>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Sună mă baby cât să mai aștept...ți am fost profesoară in Tileagd>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : U put a crush on me>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Am aflat că șofezi mașină întâlneștete și cu mine>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Dc nu mă suni...am aflat că mă placi un pic și u>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Iubi mă gândesc la tine>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Vrei să mănânci ceva gătit de mine? Ce îți place să mănânci?!?>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Vreau sa te invit la o cafea...>> <<@VashTheStampede4K says : LMAO! Alcaraz is out. Monfils defeated him. You're done, Carlitos. Djoker took your soul.>> <<@gloriakrueger6774 says : Just absolutely Love, love Carlitos!!!>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Te am văzut ieri eram in mașină am vrut să te iau în mașină să te duc la mine. Vreau sa cumpăr mașină wolsvagen mi ai șofa mașina...eu nu am permis.>> <<@erikbjorkman7175 says : I’m sorry but who is this “valley girl” interviewer I think I heard her commentating a match too. She has one of the most unpleasant voices I’ve ever heard on a professional level and says shit like “more better” ☠️ you have one job as an interviewer not “on screen” how do people like that get jobs like this??? I will never understand she must just be super hot I guess>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Unde stai? Vreau să te vizitez...eu stau in saucani>> <<@markdrea7563 says : Top player himself and djokovic played a classic in the Olympic final he's youth on his side>> <<@asadghori4213 says : Most mature and grounded 21 year old you will meet>> <<@Mickeyxbloom says : This guy is full of magic 🤧🌷>> <<@romanbanfield9066 says : A t-shirt as big as his game.>> <<@DianaCameliaBar says : Te am văzut azi cu moni cociu. E măritată cu Mircea Ionescu de 20ani. Și mie îmi place de tine. Ești frumos și blând. Diana Bar sunt. Stau aproape de ștrand>> <<@urosraskovic7730 says : In order to stay healthy for a long time or to prevent new injuries, Alcaraz must improve the weaker segments of his game first and second serves (improving the consistency, techniques, efficiency, quality, power and speed of the serve, accuracy, precision, covering skills so that the opponent can hardly read and when hitting the ball from the backhand or forehand side on the grass and concrete flat, catch or hit the ball very early in the rise, so you take time for your opponent to react, deep and accurate near the baseline without heavy topspin unlike clay with heavy topspin like Nadal, when you return the opponent's serve on clay and on other surfaces, regardless of whether the first or second is closer to the baseline and not the whole match a few meters behind the line like Nadal and when you receive the second serve of the opponent or you have a chance to attack, be aggressive, that is, attack that serve with an excellent return hitting the winner or you are the one who should dictate the point in the match so that the opponent is on the defensive and you are on the attack, and not the whole match a few meters behind the line so that you defend and the opponent attacks you as in the case with Djokovic at the Olympics, regardless of the fact that clay is a slow surface, your style of play or tactics should be a mixture of defensive and offensive style and not exclusively defensive style like Nadal. On the other hand, on grass, a medium-fast surface and concrete, the fastest should only be an offensive style with an occasional path or a rare use of a defensive style of play, since all his other shots are top-notch and there is no need to improve) and change the tournament schedule. His service is not of high quality and he needs to work on it so that it is a top weapon (free points without playing and achieving a strategic advantage in points). Regardless of the fact that he has worked on this shot over the years, it is not enough and he still needs to improve in this segment of the game. Alcaraz needs a top serve because he is a short player and to conserve energy. Sampras, Federer and Edberg had top serve and are similar heights to Alcaraz (height 185 cm compared to Alcaraz's height 183 cm). Sampras' serve was very strong or powerful and fast and of equal quality to the serve of high players (Karlović 2,08 cm , Isner 2,08 cm, Ivanišević 193 cm, Rodik 188 cm or Becker 191 cm). Edberg's and Federer's serve was not as strong and fast but also top-notch or of equal quality (easy points and achieving a strategic advantage in the point) compared to the previous mentioned players. Also, Federer's serve was superb, but it was difficult to read. Carlos' serve should be of equal quality or in the same range as previous high or low players. It would be best if he brought another top server into the team alongside Ferrer to improve that shot for him as a first option or to copy the technique or serving style of some of these players as a second option (Sampras, Ivanišević , Federer, and Rodik). Ferero should stay on the team for clay, but it doesn't have great results on grass and concrete and he cannot improve his serve so that it becomes a top weapon like the other segments in the game, since Ferrero himself did not have a top serve during his career. The tournament schedule should be as follows: a preparatory tournament before Australia or just Australia, one tournament on concrete and not clay or a break until the start of the first Masters, Indian Wells, Miami, Monte Carlo, Madrid, Rome, Roland Garros, a preparatory tournament before Wimbledon or only Wimblodon , canada, cincinnati, us open, one 500 or 250 tournament and masters: shanghai, paris, final masters or just the last three masters at the end of the season. In total each season he should play 18 tournaments or less than 18 when we exclude small tournaments. His focus should be exclusively on conquest big tournaments (grand slam, masters final and 1000, Olympic games). Other tournaments that do not fall into this group (tournaments 250 and 500, the cup at the beginning of the year and the Davis Cup) are small tournaments or unimportant competitions and do not enter into the parameters for determining the goat race. For this reason, he should play them as little as possible during the season or skip them. With one gold medal from the Olympic Games, he can throw this tournament off the calendar or at least play one more time for another gold medal and then not play again. Davis Cup enough to have won it once and not play again after that. He also has to learn when hitting the ball to do it with as little effort, expending energy, to work on improving the technique when performing shots, there is no need to run for every ball and to hit every ball all the time with all his strength. These changes will help him one day be in a position to be a goat, a more preserved body throughout his career, without many constant injuries throughout his career. He needs to learn from some of Nadal's disastrous mistakes.>> <<@vm4473 says : His English is already better than Nadal's!! 😂 Good job man!>> <<@josephmenna3985 says : These players say uhhh 1000 times per interview, but u gotta remember English isn’t their first language>> <<@ece9609 says : the cuteness that he fulfils the whole video... ❤>> <<@AJ-xf4sn says : If Carlitos stays healthy he can be the best player of his generation and possibly of the best in history of the game. Vamos Carlitos 😅😅😅>>