<<@kemillion2973 says : Does anyone know what telestrator he is using?>> <<@dennishaganjr says : i could be wrong, but i don’t think i’ve seen this much bears content coming straight from the nfl since like 2018😭coincidence? i think not! 🐻⬇️ 2024/2025>> <<@alanzielinski7738 says : Coach Kurt>> <<@Nautilus1972 says : 52 and I’ve had one franchise quarterback whose games I would tape and rewatch. Never knew when he was beaten. He was a winner. Jim McMahon. Unbeaten as a starter four straight calendar years. 1984 thru 1987. 25-0. Twenty five consecutive winning starts. That record will never be broken. Two rings. Respect will be paid. We’ve had a franchise QB. Just not like Caleb.>> <<@rwrae72 says : Won't watch it. Just came by to give it a Thumbs Down. This guy is a USC hater. You can tell from the change in the tone of his voice any time he reviews the play of a USC player. Which other rookie QB could or would making the flip pass on the screen play? Which other veteran QB?>> <<@JohnnyInvictus says : There is no question that C. Williams is a multi talented qb with a skill set that is very rare….. The thing that has always concerned me about him is the sense I get from him where he seems to think that he has already “arrived” …I get a sense that he is very self absorbed…His team has already picked up on it too(which is never a good thing)…Soon after training camp started,2 of his teammates commented about coming into the league thinking that you’re a rockstar already…and he does seem to give off that vibe…talking about “his brand” already,talking about how he wants to be a part owner of an NFL team already…he hasn’t busted a grape yet….the road to the NFL is littered with the bodies of “talented players” with tons on potential…then they get caught up in worrying about “their brand” ,” securing their bag” and the next thing you know,they are out of the league….reminds me of RG3…..Now,of course there’s nothing wrong about having dreams ,but being so open about making those kind of comments can/will certainly give people the wrong impression…. Looking forward,I can see him being someone that would think nothing of being a contract holdout and a malcontent….i don’t get the impression that he is a very good team leader. Now Jayden Daniels on the other hand……his teammates love him,he seems to be a great leader,both by his quiet confidence as well as leading by example….He’s know for being the 1st player there in the morning and oftentimes ,he’s also one of the last ones to leave…! He is constantly studying film,constantly practicing,is very humble ,and seems to be becoming a quiet leader.etc.etc…(and his talent and skillset(s) is nothing to sneeze at either! lol! Barring any crazy injuries,I think J.Daniels will win ROTY ….i really do…and I think he will do that without the kind of firepower and weapons that C. Williams has at his disposal…. I wish both of them the best and I pray for their safety.>> <<@NightSky-vo1hd says : Can Kurt please come to Lake Forest and mentor Caleb?>> <<@Madskillsuniversity says : Very good analysis, but they are staying generic for a reason, or two (PS & R). However, I get your point in general, and I hope they do too. Go Bears!>> <<@natureredux1957 says : Preseason is Still, preseason. That will Never change.>> <<@alexamerling79 says : As a Bears fan, I am very happy with how he goes through his progressions.>> <<@yediisrael3768 says : I don’t like how talking bout my qb tb lemme see you make that throw for real Comon man>> <<@zSWiFTz says : Some free tips from one of my favorite QBs, pre-Cardinals.>> <<@MrZola1234 says : Kurt Warner is super good at breaking down plays. The best i have seen>> <<@quinntonexecute says : Inconsistent analysis>> <<@JJGuccione says : Always the best analysis- no one else is even close to Mr. Warner.>> <<@davidpaschal6963 says : Somebody send this to Shane>> <<@TahitianTreatt says : jj McCharty and jordan love just threw easy passes to wide open receivers. Caleb threw accurate balls into tight windows. once of which was side armed - big difference. still, need to see more from that Bears OL and DL before i can take them seriously. OL did better than expected, but still>> <<@hockeyfan1799 says : Oh Kurt. You just contradicted yourself! Do you want him to take what's open now or wait for the play to develop and hit the deeper receiver? Make up your mind 🤦‍♂️>> <<@mrmurdergnome6071 says : I love how this guy has 20/20 vision about what will happen on the play... it is possible that the play was designed by someone who knows their job, who wanted exactly what Caleb did... no let's stress out the quarterback on his first two series of play... why build confidence when you could have made Caleb look bad and make mistakes instead of looking good by moving the chains and getting his feet wet. Great idea...>> <<@tarlyn_claddath says : Back to back plays he says he shouldn't throw the deep ball as he should take the open guy immediately and then on the next play when he takes the open short guy he says he should have waited on the deep guy....wtf>> <<@ThroneofYah says : Odunze should have kept running on the drag to bring the defender up and 14 is wide open>> <<@jdweberg says : We got our QB. We got our receivers. All we need is Warner to come be our QB coach!!!>> <<@jonathanlebron7224 says : The second play was on 3rd and 12+. He wanted to get the first down, and did.>> <<@georgehodgkins5225 says : Someone get this man some water>> <<@stevemurzyn9711 says : Thanks for your breakdown.>> <<@anselmobarrera6568 says : Thanks bro I never actually understood what a QB is looking for or should be looking for great job breaking it done for a casual fan who finally may start watching his bears again 😂>> <<@justmarcus33 says : I need Kurt to be the Bears QB coach or something, because his criticisms and praises are what I said too>> <<@davidruthin5736 says : Warner need to be somebody Qb coach>> <<@donaldbyers1240 says : Kurt break down Bryce young film>> <<@blessembreaks says : All the dumb casuals who thought he couldnt hack it cuz he paints his nails and he cried after a loss. WHERE U AT ???>> <<@jerryoconnor9227 says : Outstanding, best QB breakdowns available. Thanks Kurt!>> <<@geezyeskabante says : i see where kurt is coming from. Caleb has every tool except his height. He cant possibly expect to be a good qb just going through progressions and not reading a defense. Its the difference between going to a super bowl with Brock Purdy and paying Derek Carr to get you back to 8-8.>> <<@jgrill110 says : Official NFL channel can't even post a 1080p video?>> <<@needmofishin5765 says : Love me some QB Confidential! Great job!>> <<@rourymcdermott3859 says : As someone who loves football but never played, these break downs are fascinating to watch>> <<@caughtinthevoidfloyd5821 says : Think people are forgetting je didnt go against a starting defense. Lets see how he does against the ravens,chiefs or 49ers>> <<@SunShine-xc6dh says : He's definitely the second best qb in Chicago>> <<@keithk1559 says : Take the quick easy throw, next play wait for the deep throw. I'm confused???>> <<@GregHallArt says : Didn't show the flip to Swift that went for 40+. Should break that one down.>> <<@GregHallArt says : Teams typically don't show much in the preseason. Would they have Caleb intentionally look for shorter routes at this stage?>> <<@dagreen92 says : Official NFL content should be better edited with better audio>> <<@dnice33 says : Caleb is gonna start to see these… he was playing fast things are going to slow down for him very quickly>> <<@CS-wn2sz says : Where are the Kurt and Baldy film breakdowns from before? That was the best content from the NFL>> <<@justin8006 says : Great breakdown>> <<@smoked-old-fashioned-hh7lo says : 7:30 plays like that are why he was selected #1 overall. to take risks and make big plays. we don't want a game manager. if mahomes did exactly what he was supposed to do every play he wouldn't be who he is. you need to have a little brett favre mentality. not every play obviously but when it's there and it was there.>> <<@michaelnau8627 says : hello im from Jamaica, williams is my favorite player>> <<@FloatingAlpacas says : Yall are overdoing this so much. 7 throws and there’s 50 different analysts glazing this kid. Holy hell>> <<@realngga0 says : No glazing u can tell just from the 18 snaps he took that hes gonna be at worst a formidable qb in this league.. looking off defenders.. processing and going through progressions.. pocket movement and running wen noticing man coverage on a 3rd and long.. Chicago might’ve made the greatest trade of all time last season with the panthers>> <<@CurryDrip says : Kurt stop overanalizing the pre-season offenses...no team is running real schemes bro. All vanilla basic.>> <<@The_Gamers_Gamer says : "Make the game as simple as possible as quick as possible." Great approach to the game that I follow yet never articulated like that.>>