<<@fpsoftdev says : Nah y'all canceled ATN. Never again NFL>> <<@dragonknight1994 says : I've been trying cancel this but for some reason it keeps saying I'm subscribed so I'm stuck with it.>> <<@StocktonSmurf says : “Track the rookies” wow lol take my money>> <<@WhoTFisICEMAN says : Imagine paying $100 a year to watch the NFL while I stream EVERY game for free. Suckers 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@ryandaniel1179 says : Give us 60fps>> <<@keithboyd9582 says : Lower your prices. Not everyone is a millionaire.>> <<@ThePressBoxxx says : Nobody is buying this>> <<@zacharybraunwarth9036 says : What happened to ATN?>> <<@legitdragon6202 says : What so Daddy Roger can keep taking games out to make them stream exclusive?>> <<@levirausch4215 says : Remember when games used to be free. Bring that back>> <<@M0mzSpagheti says : The app sucked last year.>> <<@tombystander says : Lol>> <<@GMLurk says : Quit overcharging your programs and more people will buy them.>> <<@พนมพร-พ2ข says : เปิดฤดูกาลเมื่อไหร่คะรับ>>