<<@JakeTheCake1701 says : As a Philly fan we probably go 10-7 since we have zero momentum from last season and we haven’t proven that we can be the eagles we were the start of last year>> <<@GibbzB says : 🦅Fly Eagles Fly🦅>> <<@PhillyGrogu says : 13-4>> <<@Gavin0331 says : 14-3 easy schedule>> <<@SeanDiddeyCombs says : 11-6>> <<@chriskloiber3911 says : Eagles will choke in the big games so don't waste a playoff spot lmao>> <<@AsherEastwood says : Eagles flew so high up last season that they ended up hitting a plane mid season and falling all the way back to the ground>> <<@Buccaneers64 says : Eagles.go 1-15 I'm nice😂>> <<@GlitchedBandit says : U can't be 10-6 buddy 💀>>