<<@harveylewis2807 says : seems like a nice guy, wish he’d shut up about feyenoord though.>> <<@tgfvfrd34tfrey says : “When I saw my father’s body, I could not believe it was real – he was emaciated and covered with bruises. One large area of skin was missing from his face and he had many injuries,” recalled 37-year-old New York resident Ms. Han Yu about her father on the Rick Jensen talk show on December 13. Ms. Han’s father, Mr. Han Junqing, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Doudian Town of Fangshan District, Beijing. He was arrested in February 2004 for upholding his faith and died three months later, on May 4. The police cremated his body against his family’s will. Jensen, a winner of the Philadelphia Region Society of Professional Journalists award for Best Talk Show, invited Ms. Han and another guest to appear in a 20-minute special program titled, “Survivor Describes Chinese Communist Government Enslaving Innocent Citizens and Harvesting their Organs for Profit.” Jensen’s talk show is part of WDEL, a commercial AM radio station in Wilmington, Delaware. Radio talk show host Rick Jensen discussed forced organ harvesting in China in his program on December 13. Testimony of Victim’s Daughter “The Chinese communist government can profiteer from harvesting the organs of innocent people in their country,” explained Jensen at the beginning of the program. Ms. Han saw a long incision on her father’s body that ran from his throat to his chest, and had been stitched with black threads. She tried to open the shirt to see whether the incision extended any further down the chest, but was stopped by police. Her father’s brother and sister-in-law were also present. They noticed the incision as well. When police officers were not paying attention, they lifted the shirt on the body and saw that the incision extended all the way to the abdomen. They pressed the abdomen and felt ice blocks inside it. Ms. Han’s father Mr. Han used to suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure, with both legs often infested with pus. After he began to practice Falun Gong in 1997, all these illnesses disappeared. In addition, he quit smoking and drinking, and his bad temper was gone. Because of practicing Falun Gong, however, Mr. Han was arrested in February 2004 and died in custody on May 4 that year. Over 100 police officers were dispatched to guard his body, which was forcibly cremated without his family’s consent. Ms. Han and her family suspect the cremation was to cover up the crime of organ harvesting. Two years after Mr. Han’s death, the atrocity of forced organ harvesting was exposed to the public. This crime is referred to as a new form of evil on this planet and still continues today. DAFOH: Falun Gong Practitioners are the Largest Group of Victims Jessica Russo, board member for Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), was another guest on the Rick Jensen talk show. She said the Western media has hardly covered this atrocity since it was exposed to the public in 2006. For example, after the recent death of Jiang Zemin, former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who launched the persecution against Falun Gong in 1999, few Western media talked about his involvement in the organ harvesting crime. “It's really a shame because this is the largest persecuted group in China,” she explained. Numerous evidence has confirmed the existence of forced organ harvesting in China. Research in 2016 showed there were between 16,000 and 100,000 organ transplants in China per year. Even if the CCP claims that the organs came from executed prisoners, the numbers do not match because there were many more transplants than executed prisoners. While the number of transplants was increasing, the number of executed prisoners had actually decreased over time. In fact, Amnesty International estimated there are only about 1,700 prisoners being executed each year. Another issue is voluntary organ donation. There was no organ donation system in China until 2013. Due to cultural reasons, the number of voluntary donations was very low, only about 0.2% in 2017, which could not explain the high supply of organs every year. Furthermore, the number of organ transplants suddenly increased after the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. All these supported the fact that Falun Gong practitioners were the main victims of forced organ harvesting. This was also supported by the number of organ transplant centers in China. Before 1999, there were only 150 such centers. By 2006, there were 600 and the rate of growth was 300%. 20 Western pharmaceutical companies supplied medicines related to organ harvesting. Jensen asked why there was not much pressure from the international community on the CCP to stop such a heinous crime. Russo said the West’s silence on this matter was largely driven by financial interests, as they had many investments in China. In fact, many Chinese surgeons received training in Western medical centers. In this context, DAFOH has been working closely with elected officials to draft bills that could curb the crime of forced organ harvesting. Three bills are being discussed in the U.S. Congress and Senate. “We need to make sure that our government does not collude with china in the area of transplants. That is a major problem,” she added. “If we cut off our support for china's transplantation, there's no way they [the CCP officials] can continue [the crime].”>> <<@sensibility1174 says : Ten Hag 2.>> <<@MSF_London says : "him singing a song for me was special" 😂>> <<@ahmedhussain5766 says : Klopp is most overrated manager just look wining trophies,in England people in media are talking rubbish>> <<@rambratch9677 says : Welcome to Liverpool ynwa>> <<@abbey1999 says : Arne, I’ll be back Slotttttt>> <<@adrianunderwood8642 says : Welcome Arne! YNWA>> <<@drewdobson6147 says : Welcome Arne ynwa new era>> <<@chloe78181 says : just knowing how much feyenoord fans back him, im so so excited. anyone taking the job clearly had big shoes to fill but the confidence and decisiveness seen from him already shows he’s not afraid as a liverpool fan who’s only known jurgen since i’m American and found the team for myself, it’s hard lol. it’s comforting to know liverpool fans back the manager and don’t combust at low points.>> <<@ph8077 says : Redmen "experts" burned!!>> <<@shiinebeatsofficial1597 says : Welcome To The Best Team and best Fans in the world YNWA.❤>> <<@gretareinarsson7461 says : I think AS will be more successful than JK nit the least because of the legacy and the kind of a club JK left behind.>> <<@NextLevelLFC says : Very open , very knowledgeable, very positive and very transparent both Arne & Richard came across in this press conference. This new regime with Edwards & ward in the background overseeing the footballing structure of club is exciting. It may have early knocks but as long as we progressing on and off the pitch we will be more patient as a fanbase.>> <<@atmeventsandmgt says : only wish u the best... right behind your back 100000%...❤ from Buganda>> <<@kennievy6864 says : Just give this guy time and supporter and love. But he Will not be good as Klopp.>> <<@neekeearamen8885 says : Welcome Arne 🎉YNWA>> <<@Tango771 says : Really like the character of this guy, he has an aura about him.>> <<@erikkimani says : EIGHT LIVERPOOL PLAYERS WILL BE REPORTING TO MP3 BRANDED RICK AND MORTY SUBSIDIZED AXA TRAINING CENTRE TO BEGIN THEIR PRE-SEASON PROGRAMMES THE DAY OF THE DEAD AT APPLE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF SERVICES. >> <<@jarvbricks7422 says : The bald one>> <<@onelove154 says : Arne Slot is going to do great things at Liverpool. Impressed. 🍺👏👏👏>> <<@AJ_LFC says : We need to clear books. Sell Salah and develop/buy young lads.>> <<@seshadriiyer7487 says : Brendan Rodgers 2.0 Lesgoooooooo>> <<@alexandriavanwyk6285 says : I have enough of hearing about Jürgen Klopp, it's about what Arno Slot can provide for the club now, so let's go Arno Slot,👏👏👏👏👏👏👏>> <<@StevenRoberts-jj1zj says : Come on Arne boy, big season coming up, we got all the faith you, klopp always remembered but this is the new era, YNWA>> <<@modupeidowu3188 says : I don't trust this man>> <<@langsonphiri517 says : Arne Slot song by Klopp still echos in my ears!!! Klopp loves you, we all love you Arne, we wish you all the best!!>> <<@PokemanJay. says : Chris Pajack got slammed 😅>> <<@humphrey_bulldoguk22 says : It's very unfair to keep taking about klopp ....klopp has gone, it's so unprofessional to keep bringing him up when slot is trying to implement his own ideology>> <<@TheDarkKnightRacist says : There's the big 4, there's the Bald 4>> <<@madyaangsito7308 says : He is very confident on how he speaks. Looks similar to Klopp back when he was appointed as our manager ❤>> <<@ShabilKaleela says : Steady mr slot....YNWA>> <<@moonpawooe7134 says : Not enough about kloop>> <<@IA100KPDT says : Liverpool is fast becoming a woke club with all the garbage agenda of the globalist.>> <<@godwingodgift1638 says : These questions are quite boring ah>> <<@tazpiramine2699 says : The TROPHY 1!>> <<@jamesbang7912 says : Hope you keep some of Jurgen klopp aggressive play while adding your own style 🔥🔥🔥🔥>> <<@AgusSetyantoST says : tsunami trofi musim 24 25>> <<@azreds says : Pajak get roasted..>> <<@marygillmeister6013 says : Think Arne is going to be a great fit for the club. Has a nice way about him and was ready to parry any daft questions in this presser. Bravo! Now I really want to see all the boys back uninjured and raring to get stuck in to preseason>> <<@makhotlamotapanyane7537 says : Im glad he does not speak like Ten Hag. It's so refreshing to know he won't sound like an idiot during these press conferences ❤>> <<@manjer5320 says : I don't care somebody compere him with klopp cause I really wanna he become to be a klopp as coach n how he bring our lads continues archivmnt..>> <<@PeterM8987 says : Offload Salah.>> <<@williamsegalla4858 says : He’s bald, we’re gonna win>> <<@clydebear6914 says : Top lad. Doesn't speak bollocks. Obviously has a clear vision of how he wants the team to play, and also seems to know how important it is to get to know all the players personally to get the best out of them. I'm looking forward to this season. Let's all get behind him! ✊ YNWA>> <<@meeraaudio says : Arne Slot is going to level us up.>> <<@badmasis says : he will bring glory for our great football club>> <<@evan8654 says : Slot beating Guardiola and ETH 🎉🎉🎉>> <<@mahmudkusuma says : Arne & Co. will write his own history. We will support you.🎉>> <<@user-dm9qn7tb3o says : 5:38 د ص 🇮🇶 🔴❤️>>