<<@douglasmarinelli956 says : Bhatia another choke artist>> <<@waldoleyva9717 says : did anyone catch when one of the announcers said "spit on that thang" ? I'm trying to find the clip lmao>> <<@HelicopterDr says : Bhatia, "This one is for you Rory!">> <<@kxbe1900 says : Bro pulled a rory>> <<@isldeur says : "First one in Wins">> <<@spamaccount5549 says : guys with paid sponshorship deals, NIL money, shouldn't be called amateurs any more, some of them make more than the guys they are paired with, the downfall of amateur sports in america>> <<@goforbirdies says : like Sergio, man, just toooo careful, it will go in if a little bit harder, thats why we miss very short puts. if you don't kick the ball:'s ass, it will turn a lot>> <<@chrispalmer9952 says : After the first round, I was hoping for Aaron Baddley to have a good tourney... so great to see fellow Aussie Cam Davis win again... 🎉🎉>> <<@Chaz1724 says : Bhatia only plays well when the stakes are low and the big boys don’t show up. Every major he finishes like 60th>> <<@HarveyWalbanger-mu7dz says : Hey mister announcer journalist whatever title you wanna hold when people think of studs they don't think about the p g a>> <<@padysrini9955 says : This is why tiger is the GOAT>> <<@Iversonwings1 says : I was rooting for Bhatia. He'll win in the future for sure.>> <<@nicolaslemieux9217 says : 1:14 for a random fan saying "Hawk Tuah"..😂>> <<@garyparkinson6198 says : Still surprised Kuch gets those Kuuuuuch shouts since he stiffed his stand in caddy a few years back. Tighter than a nuns you know what.>> <<@CruceEntertainment says : Bhatia missed the putt because he stood on the wrong side of the ball.>> <<@jeffgerhart3238 says : Hahaha how about that Rory macaroni put on the 18th hole ????>> <<@pt9373 says : Luke Clanton is special for only being 20 and a sophmore in college.>> <<@markruhl1080 says : These are the worst highlights of all time, show the bad shots too...>> <<@randyroberts4239 says : All the division and bickering of recent years has dulled my interest in the game. I didn't recognize any of the players. Some nice shots, though.>> <<@Licantropo1974 says : Bathia and Rai were phenomenal in the first 3 rounds and the last one was a disaster. Bad, very bad>> <<@CrazyBaker1969 says : What's with all these PGA guys missing gimme puts?>> <<@apexputter1141 says : Can only lean on a broomstick so long before you fall on your face.>> <<@luisch1708 says : Well I guess the broomstick putter is not that good after all 😅>> <<@Scheboygan8767 says : Cam young will never win on tour dudes a hot head>> <<@jordansmobiledetailing5097 says : You gotta put the competition away when you got a chance. Golf is a game of crazy lows and highs. When you got a chance to step on your competition’s throats you should do it. Hate that the win came down to a final putt for Bhatia.>> <<@McVilla1N says : Luke that handshake with the parents was the smoothest thing I've seen in a hot minute. My dude.parents past the vibe check immediately. Golf family is undefeated.😂😂😂 That's what's up. And holding it down for the TaylorMade squad. Rickie you're still that dude.>> <<@heatgrimm8664 says : Big choke by shatskay butbhell be back im porsmise>> <<@johnysalazar3776 says : Those broom putters aint winning anything lol>> <<@wbwright79 says : this may come off sounding rather harsh or unkind after today, but i'll say something about Cam Young that my dearly departed Granddad used to say; "i don't think he has the dog in him.">> <<@DanielSong39 says : "Extended highlights" and they miss several critical shots that had huge impacts on the tournament (Min Woo Lee bogey on 18, Cameron Young bogey on 16, Cameron Davis critical shots on 17 and 18, Bhatia shots on 17, etc)>> <<@sharinomar6095 says : Just like a horse race.there is always someone behind to win it..>> <<@daniellongoria9622 says : The coverage i was watching didn't even show the 3 last putts , just the reaction but oh well .>> <<@ChrisMiller2-pg3tu says : I thought “they’re cutting off the highlights before the playoff!?” Oh, he missed it!>> <<@CLEVEMAN691 says : Bh took the gage lol>> <<@retiredrookie7146 says : At least he had the balls to do an interview after the fact unlike others.>> <<@carramrod8232 says : Rory “Well at least it’s not me this time” 😊>>