<<@weedgeesus4753 says : Ya'll need some golf metal... https://youtu.be/s615BGIikzE?si=q6oRmRmGTl2NZC7d>> <<@matthewkodamaADG says : Nothing gets me more excited than watching lag putts>> <<@matthewkodamaADG says : Did they reduce this event to just a putting contest?>> <<@Freedom35ab says : I could watch Amy's swing all day. So smooth>> <<@dirktoy8995 says : What a great sport - it is too bad he shouted her down at https://youtu.be/2j2V3_u2KhQ?si=chqAUkLyreVPclEz&t=453>> <<@tblecptn5600 says : Showing 7 putts in a row at the beginning of a highlight should be a crime. I want to see these narrow corridors and tee shots. Cmon man>> <<@davidclary5104 says : Why bother with a highlight video if you're going to show 85% putts and 15% swings/shots. Thus continuously happens with LPGA highlights vids. No one wants to watch putt after putt. We want to see actual highlights - great shots, putts that matter and a feel for the round. So disappointing. You should be ashamed at the laziness of thus video>> <<@na-ponsrirawan1904 says : 😍👍>>