<<@smalltigerbrasil says : https://youtu.be/C5wM1hmo_Ik?feature=shared>> <<@smalltigerbrasil says : Please help to make a living from golf one opportunity please l living in Brazil share my vídeo in usa god bless>> <<@Lou0830 says : Golf is like life..only harder!!>> <<@matimckinney7058 says : When you draw the shot up perfectly, then I draw it into the water. Sincerely, Golf.>> <<@charlieburns533 says : So sad. Golf is a 4 letter word.⛳⛳>> <<@chrissmith9135 says : should of used a TopFlight>> <<@markvogel4747 says : Flighted it too low…>> <<@kpenera says : Blame the caddie for cleaning the groves😂>> <<@callme_cue says : Golf giveth and Golf taketh away>> <<@markcutrufello641 says : That’s gotta hurt 😖>> <<@bestread725 says : Ugh!>>