<<@toddm7683 says : He should have lost the club for the rest of the tourney. Throwing a club at a major!>> <<@ethan5566 says : Definitely not Eddie’s tournament>> <<@alwiddowson382 says : He was the kid in school who had the brand new tennis shoes the best baseball bat and the most authentic expensive Jersey but every time he struck out he blamed the bat or the shoes>> <<@billydaballer6357 says : terrible behaviour>> <<@rawwbnoles4787 says : My dad was speaking with my uncle. My uncle said he doesn't like Tiger Woods because he uses profanity. My dad asked my uncle if he's ever gotten frustrated playing golf. My uncle responded, yeah, he threw his club in the pond a few days ago.>> <<@RonnieSouthbuckle says : Mike Tirico's sense of humor here was outstanding. Soo subtle, but SO fucking funny!>> <<@philleotta7201 says : 8.5 6.5 from the Russian judge>> <<@MrJdebest says : There is no other game like golf, where you can hit the ball dead solid perfect, and on the next shot, you shank it into the woods. 😢>> <<@northwind8626 says : Slight overreaction bro>> <<@dunningkruger3774 says : This video warmed my heart💙>> <<@johndemerse9172 says : What a sore loser.>> <<@gungagalunga9040 says : Golf sometimes makes me question my whole existence.>> <<@cadillachernandez2271 says : Shoulda hit a fade!!😂😂>> <<@carolenedavis1752 says : Isn't that littering? Should be fined LOL>> <<@Seektruth-59 says : Yup, blame the club, not the swing.>> <<@pf2135 says : From my own experience, I know that water is a ball magnet.>> <<@michaeljeremiah9221 says : He should have apologized to his playing competitors, apologized to the PGA, and paid a fine for unsportsmanlike conduct. Extremely Unprofessional!>> <<@haze1021 says : Maybe there should be a new stat category to track: Clubs Lost Tee to Green.>> <<@scubasteve4020 says : Smails😂>> <<@robertogaleano6138 says : Well done Adam...thats a real human being do>> <<@brandon87ize says : Calm down Happy!>> <<@ScratchyBaws says : Should be fined his earnings from that tournament, wee mummies boy>> <<@nysguy07 says : Tirico is the worst. How does he still have a job in the metoo era when he repeatedly sexually harassed women at the four letter.>> <<@drumz451 says : I woulda been calling him out when he walks up to the green lmao>> <<@AussiePeter says : Poor Adam. Would suck so much. Hope he’s better today>> <<@chr970 says : If someone jumped in, dove, retrieved the club, would they be allowed to keep it? Asking for a friend.>> <<@stevepurcell4750 says : I think that the PGA should fine players for this type of behavior. Your not setting a good example for the young golfers.>> <<@gtanusetiawan says : If he looses a club like that, can he get a replacement? or does he have to play -1 club for the rest of the day and then get a replacement for the next round?>> <<@ildblm1507 says : Nice toss 😁😁😁>> <<@andreysto1202 says : That was pretty far, actually!..)>> <<@djqkronicles24 says : It was the 18th, he doesn't need that club.>> <<@lincolnprojectnemesis3253 says : Lol....waiting formthe Shot-Link details...some high club head speed right there>> <<@fptrojans09 says : Big baby>> <<@circlewolf says : Haha,, Nice Vent.. Onto the next shot.. 10 out of 10 for Artistic Merit.. Let er Fly,,, because , Gosh, Darn , Dang It, just doesn't cut it sometimes>> <<@mebeingU2 says : Show the world you’re a baby. Golf, like life can be tough. Deal with it.>> <<@ProJock says : Golf is hard>> <<@paulbenavidez331 says : 😂>> <<@davidR9410 says : The caddie’s bag just got a little lighter 👍>> <<@brandonmackay9878 says : That’s golf baby>> <<@metonicycle6294 says : They show Morikawa practicing under the lights , the last one on the range, tied for 56th...lol What does 56 equal you ask - MIND CONTROL = 56. Maybe if you choppers hit all day and night you can be on teLIEvision too. Oh how they love to mock. Maybe you should get more toilet paper while you are at it.>> <<@conwaytwitty8634 says : This would never happen on the LPGA. This is why I hate watching men’s pro golf anymore. They’ve all become so spoiled. They’re not even trying to rep the sport.>> <<@realityiscool9483 says : >> <<@gcvincent3989 says : I have gotten to where when I see water on a course I just throw a ball in to get it over with. 😂>> <<@gcvincent3989 says : Most aggravating sport in the world also the hardest sport to play competently!>> <<@jimward8025 says : Canadian golfer, he should be MELOW>> <<@statmagic says : Top shelf club toss tho.>> <<@QuickTeachingTipsandStrategies says : isn't there a fine with that?>> <<@DN4AGDX says : If these pros had to buy there clubs like us they’d probably think twice about it.>> <<@GeeTee308 says : Hadwins angry and frustrated he’s not playing with the best on LIV.>> <<@nsxdarin says : Plenty of clubs in that water 😂>>