<<@mickeygolf234 says : Enjoyed the format of this Podcast, and yes in Canada we enjoy our golf and great food. Merry Christmas to All>> <<@kowanmcgarry says : What is Lav’s real name. I know who Rex is but not Lav. Does anyone know.>> <<@LegolasFan69 says : Time to give up on the hairdo Lavner… it makes you head look like an egg. Shave it, get plugs or a piece.>> <<@kowanmcgarry says : Todd great joke, “Scarface open.”>> <<@edwardcreighton2638 says : Fantastic podcast, write this every time I make a comment. Writing this from Northern Thailand where I live. Enjoy the holidays.>> <<@daveh640 says : Hey look kids it’s the CNN of sports podcasts. Abandon ship boys!>> <<@Noeau says : It shows that T Lew tries to be objective and professional but works for a network in Golf Channel that probably didn’t allow him to report objectively because GC agenda was to be pro PGA and not be an objective golf news network. One sided golf news reporting does not make for great overall golf landscape. So because the GC is the ESPN of golf, they are responsible for helping create the divide and combative narrative in golf today. Chamblee, Damon Hack, Shane Bacon, Eamonn Lynch allowed to spew hate about LIv so that confirms what their agenda is. Too bad when the leagues merge, that these people will be fired because they cannot go back on their opinion and suddenly be objective. This will be a great day for all fans. They should take a page from Matt Adams as to how to be professional and objective in reporting golf news.>> <<@TC-ps9sd says : "Todd's TV voice" was noticeable when I first heard it, but now I appreciate how upbeat and professional he is. He's the opposite of snarky.>> <<@Nadia_Milkova says : Why won't people call "LIV" what it actually is? It's old brown trust fund oil babies buying up sports to divert from, among other things, their role in murdering thousands of Americans on 9/11. The player and fan acceptance of this has turned me off towards golf.>> <<@cindyfagerstrom8825 says : >>