<<@Macanhflca says : Lier Lier Lier. You went for the Blood 🩸 Money>> <<@dennisbrown2571 says : I used to love to watch golf, but this PGA and LIV is ruining golf. The struggle to make a cut, that first win and the majors. But when I see major stars defecting to LIV for 100's of millions, I feel anger. Most of these defectors are already multimillionaires and for them to say they left the PGA for their familie's future, I fume. These guys had it so good for so long, they have lost touch with reality with the common man, making fractions of what the pros make in just one tournament. They used to play for pride and a glory. Now, they can show up, don't care and can go home to their mansions.>> <<@darkspectrum916 says : Id say Golf channel, Pga should close communications with liv and don't sign any deal contracts for the future. Develop new players like or better than Rham and stop idealizing players like God for people to follow since we can see many of them only care about $ and are just humans like the rest of us but with more money. Nothing negative to say about them, if they go, good riddance and goodbye. Good luck. I am sure no TV contracts in the states for liv are going to come through since we all know most people over here don't like what the Saudis did to golf, or like them, don't believe on their human rights records and most people follow the PGA because of Nicklaus, Palmer, Tiger and Rory., that won't change. PGA still has the icons. Pga should try to get sponsors or ownership from AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN billionaires, or institutions, maybe fire some on management (Monahan) and change so liv and the Saudis can't rich them like the MLB, basketball leagues etc. How many people are going to follow liv with no tv contracts on the states and even if they do most follow pga. If the Saudis want to lose money with no sponsorship or big tv audience and tv american viewers please let them, who cares? Eventually they will have losses and with no big sponsors or tv deals where would they go? I am sure some billionaire family would want to buy rights to the pga. Let's move and let new players come through, they deserve that opportunity.>> <<@jeffreyjoseph6872 says : LIV is a Circus and the players are circus performers, rich performers. The play for a tee-shirt and a baseball cap. Next week the circus travels to another town. They are not contenders for anything and their skills will erode away. I will not waste one second of my time bowing down to these arrogant idiots! Do you see LIV or LIV circus performers building another St. Judes hospital with all their money! And I am suppose to support their egos! Disgusting!!!>> <<@TiVasquez says : Jon Rahm absolutely did the correct thing. No one in their right mind would turn down 600 million dollars just to play golf. Rahm can make some good investments and buy some good businesses and become a billionaire in a few years. That's what Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Tiger Woods have done. I don't think any of these people who are criticizing Rahm would turn down that kind of money! As far as the Saudis being murderers and the money being blood money, USA corporations and businesses that compose the Military Industrial Complex have contributed to the killing of millions of people around the world in unjustified wars recently. There's no difference there. Rahm is rich beyond his dreams and will get richer. How many of you don't want to be rich? LOL>> <<@somguy5035 says : I'm not a fan of LIV's format, but the PGA response to LIV always smelled like horse-shit The wagon-circling with the supposedly independent media & governing golf organizations was BS as well They could have co-promoted a handful of events per year, but instead they chose to overplay their hand Now they expect us to blame individual golfers? No. The higher-ups are the ones who botched this Time to accept the situation as it is an get a deal done ASAP>> <<@UncleBlueEyes says : The worst part of all it is, is you self righteous commentators that are getting paid by the PGA>> <<@TiVasquez says : Read my comments below for more of my thoughts on this issue. What I like about LIV is: 3-day tournaments (4 days is too long), no cut (all players get paid), high purses (wealth attracts fans and TV), Global golf (new great courses and more countries involved), the best players in the world (Rahm, Koepka, DeChambeau, Johnson, etc.), and team play (keeps players focused and trying hard). What I don't like about LIV: loud music (noisy and distracting), shotgun start (removes introductions and drama from 1st tee), and not enough tournaments in the USA (which is the golf capital of the world). Even if the PGA Tour gets billionaire investors, they had better merge with LIV or they will lose many fans. Palmer, Nicklaus, and Woods proved without a doubt, it's the superstars that matter the most. They had better get those golf superstars back on their tour somehow someway, or it's sayonara, ciao, and adios.>> <<@TiVasquez says : The Saudis have 750 billion dollars to throw at the players, and they love golf and they love LIV. With Koepka and Rahm gone, this is the end of the PGA Tour as we know it. A deserving fate because of their greed that Michelson pointed out, and because they wanted to monopolize pro golf and control their players. The PGA Tour having a cut and then half of the players in the tournament not making any money, even though it's their profession, is greedy BS. No other pro sports league treats their players so selfishly and so badly. There should be no cut, like LIV, and all of the players should get paid. If someone works, they should get paid! Also, from the beginning, the PGA Tour tried to control their players like slaves, telling them they could not play in LIV events, or they would be banned from the tour for life. That was horse shit. Pro golfers are independent agents who should be able to play in any tournament anywhere in the world anytime they want to. Sure, the PGA Tour has its stupid reasons to justify and rationalize its unfair and archaic ways, but they are learning the hard way that Money talks and BS walks.>> <<@williamkerner says : Jon Rahm made a tactical decision. He has already proven himself on the PGA Tour, he won multiple times on tour that includes a US Open and the Masters. His "legacy" is already established. He was at the top of the PGA and he figured that he had at this moment in time to take 600 million and that if he didn't do it now his value would only go down. Therefore, it was a business decision and he did what was in his best interest, guarantee 600 million or work on the PGA Tour and with earnings and sponsorship hope to get that much over the next several years. He made the logical choice.>> <<@edhartman2860 says : Well, Rahm says one thing and does another......Lost respect for the guy..... Obviously, what he tells the press isnt really what he thinks inside.>> <<@TiVasquez says : Let's be honest, and golf is supposed to be a gentleman's game full of honesty, as well as integrity, etiquette, and politeness. Jon Rahm went to LIV STRICTLY FOR THE 600 MILLION. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR ALL PRO GOLFERS IS MONEY! Don't believe any of that nonsense about loving the game and titles being the most important. You can always judge people by their actions. Rahm and other golf stars chose the LIV money over anything the PGA Tour had to offer - history, titles, fame, legacy, or loyalty. I'm happy for Rahm. How could anyone in their right mind turn down 600m! Money is the most important thing in this world for 99% of the people. They all have a price, a number, they will accept. More PGA stars will leave for LIV, I'm sure of it. This might be the end of the PGA Tour as we know it. That will be a deserving fate because of their greed that Michelson pointed out, and because they have tried to monopolize pro golf. From the beginning, LIV has had a right to exist and recruit players, who of their on free will join it. Also, all of that talk about Saudi money being blood money because of the Saudi human rights violations and political murders is hypocritical nonsense. Look at the war crimes and murder the USA is supporting with Israel's murderous genocide of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, for one clear example. USA money is blood money too. We live in a world where many corporations and companies make billions of dollars off of war and murder, or off of polluting the planet with smog and chemicals. So, all of the golf tours and professional sports are full of blood money. I don't like LIV's format or their loud music, but with all of that Saudi money involved it is here to stay. I do think we will soon see a merger of the two tours, because that will be the only way the PGA tour survives.>> <<@thanhredman5178 says : Money talk BS walked>> <<@katofakatoumafi265 says : LIV golf is a trillion dollar machine and the PGA is still in the Millions big difference when it comes to their Financials so eventually LIV will figure it out on how to take over Golf fully and the PGA Tour will be a minor league in Golf world. 🤔>> <<@jackcasey8067 says : Why has Horchel shut up ?? Cause a second tier player should not be the voice of the PGA !! His chances to win are much higher now. If we could get Rory the "Waffle" to zip it, it would be great. LUV LIV !!! Atta boy Jon !!>> <<@teresapyle1647 says : Money changes everything, especially people. Sometimes its not for the better.>> <<@jamestaylor5231 says : You haters at Golf house need to look for Employment at the snowflake channel the one your on,Haters and baiters ,Hack,Cara,shameless,Rich and the rest of your sidekicks,the PGA Pathetic Golf Association.>> <<@roberth3566 says : good for you Jon>> <<@JC-wl4cp says : Middle aged white guys need to understand times a changing whats important to you is not to others>> <<@VincentAgueda-f3s says : Rahm was committed to the pga tour i believe him in those earlier interviews. But the pga tour did a 180 and betrayed guys who that didn't accept money for the prestige and loyalty to the tour. They go and cut a deal with the saudis anyway right from underneath the pga tour guys. Everyone should leave the tour for poor management, go collect your big pay day, then merge in 18 months anyway. Im with Rahm on this one 100 percent.>> <<@gregchin2172 says : Anyone who has left a job for one that pays more and criticizes players for going to LIV is a hypocrite.>> <<@ep3578 says : Jon rahm isn’t worth a few hundred million? This broadcast is a spotlight to prop up the PGA tour. Get ofc your knees and wipe your mouthes gentlemen>> <<@roberthenderson2321 says : Yeah, legacy and $1.79 will get you a cup of coffee.>> <<@mebeingU2 says : Blah, blah, blah. It’s not about growing the game, it’s about growing one’s net worth and having to do less work to make that happen. The Saudis can do this to any sport, any business, any one. The future will be different for a lot of things.>> <<@CreepyDad_ says : I’m so happy John is a LIV player!! The PGA needs to unban the LIV Golfers or stop crying about damaged reputations, especially because they’re responsible for banning the players to piss on their legacy’s, then talk about damaged reputations. The PGA tour is responsible for the player split.>> <<@lynncannon7790 says : Good for Jon Rahm! Get your money 💰. You never know what the future holds and now you will have generational wealth! No one else’s opinion matters!>> <<@loudpipes9711 says : I love it ! Good for John!!>> <<@krislokki7355 says : Ask ourselves why Saudi is willing to pay billions of dollars to professional sport players>> <<@khale7180 says : $150 mil offer was not enough. $550 mil is definitely different.>> <<@atxrich says : The Tour lost all credibility when they did an about face and came around to the PIF hand in hand. No one should be critical of Rahm for what he did and not shake their finger at the Tour first. At the end of the day these guys are professionals seeking out what’s best for them and their family. All too often people put their loyalties into institutions which ultimately don’t live up to the image they project.>> <<@Doublez899 says : And you can blame the PGA, Jay Monahan, and every hack virtue signaling commentator on the golf channel for this one…..>> <<@richardjones7324 says : everyone in this comment section would join LIV for 600 million yall feel me>> <<@Dougmolls says : Definitely hurt his legacy. Not because of taking money, but because nobody watches LIV. Another forgotten player in a year.>> <<@TmmyG says : Rich trying to paint Rahm into the corner of hypocrisy and greed against the backdrop of PGA Tour negotiations with PIF is a joke. PGA Tour management’s hypocrisy and greed created this mess. Phil was right.>> <<@pilotbsinthesky3443 says : Rahm and the rest of the world understands golf is not just an American sport and the U.S. does not own it. As an American who has lived abroad throughout my life it still shocks me how arrogant the Golf Channel and the PGA tour is in claiming golf. Do we not have the Ryder Cup which shows in just a few days how patient the world is for golf? I think we can all agree how badly we miss the true Golf Channel when they cared about the global game of golf instead of pushing the PGA’s agenda.>> <<@1976axerhand says : I won't miss rahm's on course tantrums.... I guess 17 million a yr is just not enough money to support his family? Too soon. If liv is such a wonderful place to play why do they need to pay these guys hundreds of millions to play for them?>> <<@seanall1 says : He's a clown! I think him realizing he wouldn't ever be one of the greatest changed his mind!>> <<@pedroc6823 says : Slim pickings to want to watch players in PGA Tour. Oh well back to baseball.>> <<@joelstewart2786 says : Maybe Golf Channel will cover LIV.>> <<@markoantonio1422 says : The PGA decides to take the Saudi money, but then the GOLF channel wants to try to shame and belittle Rahm for taking the money... laughable....>> <<@jennystafsholt3172 says : Let’s make something clear, the golfers that have left the PGA for liv have not sold out anything. The PGA did not make these golfers. The golfers made the PGA… it’s my feeling they are tyrannical. Control equals conflict… get over yourselves PGA I watch only liv and have stop watching the PGA because of your holier than thou attitude…>> <<@joeschmomofo5020 says : I’ve been to PGA tour events and LIV events. LIV is way more exciting, entertaining and overall more fun. Bottom line>> <<@risingsons6336 says : Who ordained the PGA Tour the arbiter of values? Jon Rahm is still Jon Rahm. Who is Jay Monahan?>> <<@glenngriggs6445 says : Saying he got bought is ridiculous, the pga tour got bought if anyone did>> <<@Pulse2AM says : Soon it'll be called the PG tour because there's not enough people left for the A. Except for the majors golf was always a time to take a nap for an hour and you'd only miss two holes played. LIV at least attempts to make it more interesting for the viewer, politics aside. I don't want to get into sports washing and all that because the USA has done it's share of bad things.>> <<@DiscGoStu says : No more Ryder Cup, no more world #1, no more playing on network television, you’re now the face of an extremist Muslim country that executes its citizens for basically anything, you’re now hanging with Greg Norman and Donald Trump instead of Tiger and Rory, exhibitions instead of traditional tournaments, second-tier venues instead of historically significant, famous courses…but yeah, he gets to wear shorts now and they play music on the course…yay>> <<@TheEdiaz91 says : The hundreds of million is not just for Rahm, it will also make other players reconsider their decision. Weird things are happening in the PGA we are not seeing. I’ve never been a liv hater because I’m a golf fan and I love that I’ll see him at LIV events. The world rankings will be meaningless unless points are given to liv players soon.>> <<@chrisbrimhall1613 says : All about the dollars>> <<@ronultra says : Hahahaha. 😂 love it>> <<@bentonquest4184 says : Took the Hamas money...>>