<<@flybirds2024 says : I am now a senior golfer but still play from the blue tees, in a few years when this takes affect I will lose even more distance and looks like I will be moving up a tee to continue playing decent golf!>> <<@cleveland2022 says : Ive already started growing my stash over the Holidays. 11 boxes of Brand New ProV1xs, Taylor Made TP5s and Callaway Chrome Soft Xs, not counting the 50 new balls in my bag😂😂😂😂>> <<@cleveland2022 says : This is 100% a stupid, idiotic decision. I just watched the 2001 Masters Highlights on the Golf Channel this morning and on Sunday on 18, Tiger Woods with 2001 Technology hit his drive 330 yards. No one with current technology is hitting it much futher than that on 18 and that was 23 years ago. The USGA is an utter clownshow bunch of maroons on this decision>> <<@rogerwhite7719 says : In summary the USGA and R&A are lying bastards!>> <<@vpf5295 says : What percentage of golfers in the world need to have their distances reigned in? It is likely fewer than the 100 or 150 top players in the world. Amateur players already struggle to be consistent. What is this BS about giving 10 yards for a better short game? (Maybe you should practice more.) What does short game have to do with the drop in distance? Are you assuming that with shorter distances people will get better at the short game? That is a very poor argument. Golfers are working on technique all the time. Golf is hard already so why are you making it harder for the 'less gifted'? Change the course conditions to force a more strategic game.>> <<@jaymorin7131 says : The people on the Golf Channel should be smarter than this! Do your damn homework. When was the last time the USGA updated the ODS? This change is 20 years overdue. Put things into the proper perspective for the game and its rules. Had the USGA stayed on top of the ODS limits, we would not be talking about any of this stuff now. When the ODS was updated in the past, did anyone go ape shit over the change? NO, because things were done incrementally. The blame does squarely fall on the shoulders of the USGA and this is likely the best way they can handle it. While researching this for yourselves, also look into why no manufactures will pony up a driver(s) to be used with testing. What are they afraid of? Could the USGA see some .830+ CORs in the mix? The change is a golf equipment rule. That is how it should be looked at. Anything that results from it is what happens with a rules change. If people have a problem with it, they could take up another sport that also has equipment rules.>> <<@dieseldes1301 says : I’m investing in some scuba equipment . I reckon I’ll get my money in a month😂>> <<@teressaabbott855 says : I will not comply>> <<@sydn53 says : This is such a stupid decision. Grow the grass!>> <<@RustyPutter62 says : I think we need a more democratic solution.>> <<@alarmservicepros says : Mark these words. This will destroy golf. People who want to control others always destroy things.>> <<@somguy5035 says : What would the governing bodies do if the manufacturers just said "no" ? It's not like the R&A makes balls. Are the going to disqualify every single player in the field?>> <<@roberthudec6949 says : The PGA could just say NO. I know that I am. I am going to stock up on current generation balls. At my age and swing speed every yard counts.>> <<@dankool688 says : Guess this means no more 7700yds lol.>> <<@duronj77 says : This 🤡 is on PGA payroll 🤣>> <<@duronj77 says : Trade 10 yds, he's a goof ball full of crap. If it was that easy everyone would have done that. Also is he so ignorant to not understand the enjoyment part of this, especially for regular golfers the PGA professionals work with. This change is trash....>> <<@Peachypupp says : Current golf balls will become a hot commodity. This slow the game down even more as people will not be willing to lose balls and will take more time trying to find lost balls.>> <<@Andyinth says : We will all need to buy new conforming golf balls and millions of the non-conforming golf balls will go where? How is that meeting their environmental responsibilities?? Said by R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers." We are convinced that this decision is one of the key ways of achieving a sustainable future for golf, protecting the integrity of the game and meeting our environmental responsibilities,">> <<@Nadia_Milkova says : For those unawares: Acush-Net is the Artificial Intelligence that became self aware in Terminator 2 and nuked the world.>> <<@Nadia_Milkova says : Why "roll it back" and just keep it how it is now. Just keep the ball as it is 2023. Lucas made a great point that all the new golf courses are long. Now they're reversing technology. If you'd just keep the ball where it's at (2023), then it would've been better for everyone.>> <<@mejs2579 says : LIV will allow the old ball. PGA tour will die. These guys at the USGA are old and clueless.>> <<@rufussthoo4083 says : Regardless are where/how scores are made (short game, putting, whatever), I doubt many recreational golfers or enthusiasts want this. And the PGA wonder why PIF/LIV are attracting a new wave of the top pros ....>> <<@joso5554 says : Not very clever for amateur leisure golfers. Basically current balls will go to the dumpster ?? And how will new complying balls be recognized ??>> <<@edwardsklareski7877 says : This will golf both pro and weekend golfers>> <<@kowanmcgarry says : Who is Acushnet. I have never heard of them until 2023. Why didn’t anyone say their name before, in the 22 other years I have been watching golf on television.>> <<@richardcorwin3360 says : Annnnnd,… next you’ll need “the new clubs” specifically redesigned to get that lost distance back! As a short hitter to begin with, this probably just means the end of my golfing days. 😢>>