<<@jonfillingim6928 says : But Brandel, I thought when Tiger dipped his head, he played bad. You are such a bullshit artist. How you have a job is the unsolved mystery.>> <<@Scrooks1 says : It looks to me that PED’s or testosterone has something to do with the longevity of Tiger’s golf swing. You don’t double the size of your biceps by hitting golf balls.>> <<@FeintMotion says : ? he's had no less than four different swing patterns since 1996 what the hell is this garbage>> <<@bunkerputt says : Technique matters but Tiger's just a much better athlete than most people too.>> <<@leighann49 says : Tigers swing is always changing>> <<@TheOtherKine says : Are you smoking crack??? Broken knee, broken back. Without modern day surgery, he had no chance!!! The greatest? Heck no! He threw that away on the women, as he cheated on his wife!! Take him back 60 years to Jack’s heyday, swinging the way he does, he would never have made it past 30. People are so stupid. Why does American society defend such cheats?>> <<@ryanu3708 says : That better than Marvin Hagler upper body strength is nice to have too!>>