<<@ironmike316 says : Looking forward to the video acknowledging that the Vegas Grand Prix was a massive success>> <<@whiteandnerdytuba says : Cold by design>> <<@reecewatson5311 says : There is a brand new track, the Ozark International race track. 3.97 miles 1200ft of elevation changes with 19 corners. I would love for the F1 to race in the heartland of America if Vagas doesn't work out.>> <<@beauty.of.the.struggle says : This is what the ideal F1 calendar should be: -Season opener in Melbourne -Sepang -Istanbul -Hockenheim -Monaco -Silverstone -Montreal -Austria -Magny Cours -Hungaroring -spa the last race before summer break again -monza (with gravel around the parabolica again) -suzuka -CotA -season closer in Sao Paulo MAYBE throw in Bahrain, Barcelona, or Singapore too, but that's it; absolutely no more races than that... March to October, like how it used to be. If a bunch of Arab oil sheiks want to drop some coin to have races around their fake marinas, then we can have "wild card" slots on the calendar with circuits that rotate every few years. If they come even close to adopting a calendar like that (with no Miami, no Mexico City, no Qatar, no Abu Dhabi, etc), along with going back to smaller, more nimble cars again that aren't these understeering, lumbering behemoths that look like parade floats when they're going through slow corners, and show signs that are phasing out DRS, then I will go back to being as head-over-heels in love of a die hard fan as I used to be when I first started watching. But until then, they're on thin ice with me personally, and I'm currently counting my days for how much longer I'm honestly going to keep dedicating time to this sport.... and I say this as somebody who hasn't missed a single race since 2005 (and watched most of the qualifying sessions as well), for whatever that's worth. First and foremost priority before any of that other stuff though is completely scrapping these silly SpRiNt WeEkEnD sideshows... ugh. If they make those changes, then I seriously couldn't care less about anything else going on. They could still have celebrities I don't care about taking up screen time, keep the Netflix and Disney programs, increase the idiotic hybrid electrification, have one guy winning every race by a minute, Brad Pitt, whatever... That's all water under the bridge. But imo, they are on life support (increase in number of fans doesn't matter if all these new fans only casually tune in to an occasional race here or there, while they piss off & shove out the die hard ones. Quality > quantity) until they 1) get rid of the sprints 2) put the cars on a diet, and 3) reduce the calendar, and thus, viewer saturation If you look at what happened with the decline of nastycar after that series peaked in the 90s, it's hard to deny that Formula 1 is taking the first steps down that exact same path with all the gimmicky changes they've been making.>> <<@santapodracer1980 says : Williams super fast in a straight line. Will suit them very well>> <<@gpjeff65 says : It will be just as good as any other race get over it.>> <<@griffisjm says : Man i hope this is a banger so all these people eat their "just a spectacle" words.>> <<@VulkanNeckPunch says : Thanks for fixing the sound levels between the intro/outro music and the discussion ❤>> <<@procatprocat9647 says : 9 years of this crap. What a shame.>> <<@darrellhanning5068 says : In its most blatant lunge at money, F1 has arrived in Las Vegas. The irony here is that the season is already over at this point. Visitors to Las Vegas for any reason other than the race absolutely detest what the circuit has done to the strip, but that isn't important. What is important is that F1 has a new venue for collecting money.>> <<@Thedudeabides803 says : Let’s all have a good cry over Las Vegas😂. It’s new and I’m excited to see what happens. So many whiners my goodness. This race is unpredictable and Max likely won’t win. That’s awesome.>> <<@soundslave says : Where did you hear minus 10 celcius????? Forecast says 14 degrees air temp at race start>> <<@sameaseverybodyelse says : as an 'outsider' but someone who has followed F1 here and there, I don't think that F1 is really about racing. That's the disappointment. It's more about $, $ and opinions. I wish that F1 was more about racing but most series, I can't say all, but especially F1 is 98.5% about $. If F1 stays inline with current popular thought (at the moment, most people have this weird: ' $ = happiness' idea, then it works. I hope that the world changes, I hope that F1 can change toward proper, real racing.>> <<@PianistsRavel says : this will not be the coldest race, Canada and Germany were colder, in fact it felt mild tonight on the course (Spring Mountain to Flamingo. They have tire issues in every race, should they use the soft tires or hard tires or whatever the other option is. They never know until the race has started what's going to take them through all the laps. So Vegas is no different.>> <<@stevesharp3363 says : I'm thinking its going to be joke much like the Miami event... FOM might as well have Taylor Swift sing the national anthem. It's all about stroking the potential sponsors and the uber rich. I'd rather see full stands of race fans than how many celebs FOM can have on the grid. I mean are not the drivers supposed to be he celebs? Formula one needs to back off the hyperbole and get back to racing.>> <<@claudiamiller7730 says : God damn…I hate that this mess has been dragged into the life of Vegas. The working class of Vegas hates the disruption to their lives. I hope it snows and the race is a loser. Yeah - I said it…sorry, not sorry.>> <<@brianmoncion6723 says : Another disaster for American audiences. But don't complain about the time all you Euros! I'm up at 430 - 5am most race weekends for 47 years.>> <<@TheGameKat says : I live in Las Vegas. The months of disruption produced by the construction and road resurfacing has led to most locals being very negative about the event. Nobody understands how this benefits the city.>> <<@stavrosk.2868 says : Track limits? Put land mines beside the tracks, that'll teach them. Spectacle guaranteed!>> <<@stavrosk.2868 says : Wha what? Brad Pitt in a F1 film? He must be hitting 60 now. Any other stupid roles for him? Like mother Theresa?>> <<@sergei4912 says : People who position themselves as F1 professionals came up with the idea of holding a race at night with a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (at best). The incompetence of the FIA and other governing bodies is simply shocking. These people have been killing F1 for years. They started this a long time ago. First they took away our engines that sounded like jets, then they pushed all the teams into budget. I don't understand what they want? I'm already sick of all the ideas they promote.>> <<@DekGT5mad says : Look out for HAAS they're the only ones who might be able to get and maintain tyre temperature!>> <<@fillusrahim-xy9ib says : Unknown for every team...best strategy will win 😎 Vegas should build a proper circuits ☝️>> <<@ralphe5842 says : 💩 show in the making>> <<@hugodiazgarcia1266 says : Certainly, the F1 2023 Las Vegas GP race will be crazy considering it is an urban circuit and because of the bad weather conditions. My predictions are: Checo Perez in the first place, Sainz in second, and Norris in third place!!!>> <<@robertheymann5906 says : Probably more of a show than a race, as America is good at creating a spectacle...im excited anyway>> <<@robertheymann5906 says : Great topics... Good job gentlemen>> <<@1kWraps says : Schedule must be for us aussies. 5pm sunday race start is an absolute gift>> <<@NotSure416 says : The time of day for this race is insane. The race starts 1AM Eastern US time.>> <<@codyzempel5506 says : Hopefully the LAST Vegas GP..the layout looks horrendous it's horrendous to drive on the game very dull circuit and now with it being a night race in Vegas yeah of course this time of year it's going to be chilly in November whoever is in charge of scheduling GP's should be punted it doesn't make sense they should of stayed on the US side ran the US GP, Mexico and Vegas 1-2-3 it's fine having Miami earlier on the schedule but even if they pushed that to the tour it wouldnt be as hot like it has been at high time for summer when they run it ofc it's going to be hot...plus now that tarmac in Vegas I really hope they see this is a disaster and it gets nixed for somewhere that deserves a GP like bring China and Malaysia back please>> <<@sexygeek8996 says : Where the hell did you get -10C (14F) from? +10C (50F) is predicted and normal for Las Vegas and that isn't cold for November by most standards. If those flimsy cars can't handle that then they should have held the race during the day or during the summer. Vegas spectacle? The construction has been a big spectacle for the last several months. We'll find out in a few days if the race is worth all those disruptions.>> <<@tylerdurden4006 says : Lmfao still have no clue why america would think racing at midnight in the fall is a good idea in the first place...😂>> <<@mikemcclernon5784 says : They'll all collect and it will take at least an hour to get back to green. No one will really win.>> <<@billeib427 says : Our host used the word 'Spectacle' in a loss of a true description, a 'cock up!' Sad to see said host play safe with his 'cred' with F-1 movers and shakers.>> <<@billeib427 says : Watch Max V. come back into the garage and say I am not driving on that track. The teams will leave Vegas like most people. light in the wallet. More safety cars than ever before. Millions in wrecked cars. Pissed off engineers and drivers and most importantly, the real motor sport fan watch his sport look like fools.>> <<@billeib427 says : I am a Yank, have been to Vegas. Lame ass town. It's not adults looking for fun. It's the adolescent in the adult that comes to the fore. Working people spending family savings for a couple of days of lights and gambling favoring the house. No one from America with any sense of rationality would ever suggest it as a destination to unwind. Vegas winds you up not down. I had to go for business, hated every minute. Lame food, watered down drinks, and shitty hotel rooms at a high rip off prices. If it fails - good! F-1 is being Americanized which means it won't last much longer as a motor race and is headed to Disney movies. Disney will buy the animation rights to F-1. Create their own characters for the kiddies. F-1 is headed towards horse racing, a dying sport. Dog racing is dead in America. Followed by F-1. I am saddened as a motor sport fan to see F-1 become a Disney animated sport for little kids. It's doing it already with out Disney. Drive to Survive. A joke. Killed Daniel Ricciardo's ability to drive. He went Hollywood and lost his muse for driving. He is not as good as Perez, and I hope Red Bull does not pair him with Max when so many others deserve it more. Daniel has made him self wealthy with DTS TV exposure as the funny one.>> <<@50gary says : Just a WAG but I'd wager money on Daniel Ric going all out as he's half American and will be pumped up quite a bit. Charles should be out for revenge against the demons of F1 racing. The F car should be good on the long straights so here's hoping. Having said that little bit, Max will be Max.>> <<@herewegoagain7403 says : F1 needs to give perks /discounts to locals for enduring this mess. They would've been converted to F1 fans but now it's leaving a sour taste.>> <<@43Disciple says : This track is gonna show the balls and experience of every driver. Expect to see Max, Checo, Fernando, Saenz and EITHER Russell or Norris in the top 5 this weekend. This track would’ve been a masterclass for Senna and a nightmare for Prost. The careful ones, the pragmatists, the safe betters, they’re either coming in at the back or they’ll retire.>> <<@bertjilk3456 says : I'm beginning to think Americans heard the title "whinging Poms," and decided they could do better 😂>> <<@DFSJR1203 says : They are worrying so much about temps. At 10C (50F) my friends and I are still wearing shorts and a very light jacket. Hell, I usually wear shorts down to 5C (41F). These F1 people must be babies. My local short track is going to be running races on the Thanksgiving weekend. This race has been run for 50 years. Cold never stopped these drivers from racing. The Turkey Derby is a lot cheaper and is probably more exciting than this F1 race.>> <<@josephiousbrosif says : Jesus you Europeans need to get over yourselves. I'm a diehard F1 nerd that cares about racing first but idk how you couldn't be excited for just the spectacle alone. Who cares if the race sucks and the track is uninspired. There have been so many boring races in Europe including at iconic tracks like Spa. Y'all complain when there are 3 races in the U.S. but don't take into account that the country is basically the size of the entire continent of Europe and how many races do y'all have? And then you whine when the race isn't at the exact time of day that's convenient for you when the rest of the world regularly either has to get up in the middle of the night or watch it on recordings. F*ckin pipe down already>> <<@matthewungar2138 says : The “spectacle that isn’t true racing” argument is just so tired and disappointing from you guys, like you’d be happier with 22 Hungary GPs each year. Is Singapore simply a “spectacle” where racing doesn’t matter? Cause the races seem pretty good. Silverstone is literally a simple track laid over old runways, but yet it’s “true” racing compared to Vegas. Yeah, the tires and temps will be a challenge. So great, it’s up to the drivers to use all their ability to get through it. Much rather see that then boring laps around “true racer” Spain.>> <<@parmvirvirk8959 says : This race is in a shit location. I'm sick of street tracks. F1 has lost it's soul.>> <<@keithsoonoriginal says : The problem with a Brad Pitt movie is that Brad Pitt is like 50. A colleague of mine is 20, her siblings are younger and they love F1 but they don't care about the movie because Brad Pitt is in it. A old man. So who is this movie for? 40 year olds? 50 year olds? I think the movie will flop big way. They shoule got in someone who speaks to the young generation and not old. No matter how good the script is, 16 year olds will not tune in and that is the demographic where the money is, always has been.>> <<@michaelking6596 says : The schedule works great for Asia/Australasia ...for once>> <<@wf1g says : FYI: This is a TIMED RACE . 120 mins maximum>> <<@miker7920 says : Fernando or Max will win, they are by far the best drivers in bad conditions, the rest probably can't keep their cars on the track. Going to be a boring race with a shit load of safety cars.>> <<@Deploracle says : -10C not a chance. The forecast is for 10-11C by 5:30am. 10pm local will be nowhere near that cold. It sure is odd all this sour grapes from the F1fans side of racing, almost like they are being paid to complain (and complain and complain) ...>> <<@muppetpaster says : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 4:35 The new Monaco...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>>