<<@Krausie says : Josh jung al>> <<@thecommonsensenetwork says : Corbin>> <<@Forniteisgood says : Carrol and Gunnar>> <<@jacobbaker8323 says : ROYCE LEWIS!HANDS DOWN FULL SEASON ROTY!!>> <<@opticbat6974 says : If Zack Gelof played a full season he would’ve won AL RoTY>> <<@gotexasrangersalbundymlb7694 says : Josh Jung Rookie of the Year 2023>> <<@danielfitch4775 says : Corbin get's it go dbacks>> <<@vapesan666 says : JAMES OUTMAN>> <<@Chefrichard1985 says : JAMES OUTMAN FIR NL ALL WAY! GO DODGERS! Gunnar Henderson for AL.>> <<@SodoMojo22 says : Corbin Carroll and Gunnar Henderson seem to be the easy favorites. Also using the slang Chalk: When a horse is the favorite, or has the most money bet on it that horse is termed the "chalk." In the pre computer days a horse became the "chalk" because the horse's name would disappear in chalk dust as the bookie constantly erased and lowered the horse's odds.>> <<@RandomGuy42016 says : Senga is a sneaky pick. Those numbers are really solid.>> <<@Wink-Webster says : The real difference between Casas and Henderson is the defense and position.>> <<@juandaviddelacruz-io3zs says : Corbin carroll.>> <<@mitchellvang2691 says : Corbin Carroll>> <<@Kaiserrrr says : Corbin Carrol Gunnar Henderson Who agrees 👇>> <<@kalebgaming425 says : I’m first lets go>>