<<@nimacastro7664 says : First lines are the toughest. Brazil , Italy......>> <<@mylesgarcia4625 says : The THIRD SLOT is so OBVIOUS. Why the build-up yet?>> <<@abdulhamid7048 says : Jepun is the winner>> <<@krwonwoofiee says : yohan is so adorable>> <<@gerlan201 says : Pool A pool of death with Italy, Brazil and Iran. Also strong are Cuba and Germany.>> <<@jovelimaysay8773 says : Why there is no France.??>> <<@eternosantos8823 says : 🇧🇷>> <<@brunoreis1096 says : Pool A, my God 😱 ................🥶>> <<@chandrathakuri3916 says : anyone notice france miss here>> <<@oath_5208 says : France?>> <<@jimmyfrancisco2344 says : Why is France not included?>> <<@howdymisters7463 says : México vs Canadá is gonna be an interesting one>> <<@MommaDee23 says : Brazil here I come!!! 🤩>> <<@aldodiezquinonez2099 says : when will we know which cities they will play in? I mean venues in the countries chosen?>> <<@titinastiti3367 says : Mana nih suara dari Indonesiaaa>> <<@gokugames1563 says : USA VS JPN!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@surotowongsowidjojo8480 says : Assalamualaikum>>